

Showing posts with label Homilies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homilies. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

A Call to Radical Love to Love Without Limits

07th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 23, 2025

Readings: 1 Samuel 26:27–912–1322–23Psalm 103:1–131 Corinthians 15:45–49Luke 6:27–38

On this 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are invited to reflect on the radical call of Christian discipleship: to love as God loves, to show mercy as He shows mercy, and to rise above our human instincts for retaliation or self-interest. Through the readings, we see David’s reverence for God’s anointed, St. Paul’s reminder of our heavenly calling in Christ, and Jesus’ challenging command to love our enemies and give without measure. These lessons call us to embody God’s kindness and mercy in a world often marked by division and strife. Let us open our hearts to this transformative message, striving to live as true children of the Most High.

1. Love Beyond Measure
The Gospel passage from Luke 6:27–38 is one of the most challenging yet profoundly transformative teachings of Jesus. It calls us to a radical way of life—one that reflects the boundless love and mercy of God. Jesus begins with an invitation that seems almost impossible: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." (Luke 6:27–28)

Human nature often inclines us toward retaliation or, at the very least, distancing ourselves from those who hurt us. But Jesus invites us to respond with love, not as an obligation, but as a way of embodying divine love. This love is not mere sentimentality but a conscious choice to act for the good of others, even when they do not deserve it. It mirrors God's unconditional love for humanity—a love that seeks the well-being of even those who turn away from Him.

2. The Grace of Giving Without Expectation
Jesus continues with examples of radical generosity: turning the other cheek, giving more than what is asked, and lending without expecting repayment. These teachings are not about passivity or weakness but about living in the freedom of God's grace. The world operates on transactions—giving and expecting something in return. Jesus calls us to a different standard: to give freely, knowing that our true reward comes from the Father.

Generosity, in this sense, is not just about material possessions but also about the way we give our time, forgiveness, and kindness. This gospel is not a puzzle. It is an instruction on Christian living. If we follow it, Jesus tells us, “Your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High.”

3. Mercy: The Heart of the Gospel
"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful" (Luke 6:36).  This is the essence of Christian life. Mercy is not merely about overlooking faults; it is about extending the same love and compassion that we ourselves receive from God. It is easy to judge others, to keep a record of their wrongs, but Jesus calls us to let go of bitterness and choose mercy instead.

When we refuse to judge or condemn, when we forgive even when it is difficult, we participate in God's redemptive love. This mercy, when lived out, has the power to transform relationships, heal wounds, and bring peace where there was once division. This is a divine principle: generosity begets generosity, love begets love, and mercy begets mercy. When we live with open hearts, unafraid to love even when it costs us, we receive in abundance—perhaps not in material wealth, but in grace, joy, and a deep sense of peace.

Questions for self-reflection
  1. Do we love only those who love us? 
  2. Do we give only when we know we will receive something back? 
  3. Am I quick to judge, or do I choose mercy?
  4. How can I bear the image of Christ in my daily life?
Prayer based on Psalm 103

Heavenly Father,

We bless Your holy name with all our hearts. Thank You for Your endless love, for forgiving our sins, healing our brokenness, and filling our lives with good things. Your mercy is as vast as the heavens, and Your compassion never fails. Help us to trust in Your unfailing love and reflect Your grace to others. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ

21 February 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

Walking with Christ: Living the Beatitudes in a Troubled World

06th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 16, 2025

Readings: Jeremiah 17:5–8Psalm 1:1–461 Corinthians 15:1216–20Luke 6:1720–26

In our world today, kindness often seems in short supply. Individuals have their own reasons to negate someone or feel jealousy about others. Often history is a repetition of mistakes. Looking around our world now, some 2000 years since Jesus came into the world, humanity continues to repeat past mistakes.  We seem to believe we can solve all problems if we just_____(fill in the blank).  People continue to face a multitude of tragedies and trauma. Very few are ready to accept defeat.  Many feel frustrated and exhausted, with nothing left to give. However it is time to sit down and rest, but not surrender or give up, and 2025 is the perfect year to renew and deepen our relationship with God. The liturgical readings of today are truly soothing balm to our hurts and wounds.

1. The Presence of Jesus in Our Midst

In Luke 6:1720–26, Jesus does not remain at the heights of the mountain; He comes down to be among the people. His ministry is not detached or distant, but close and personal. He stands on level ground, meeting the people where they are—amid their struggles, hopes, and pains. This reminds us that Christ is not a distant God but one who walks with us in our everyday lives. He comes to meet us in our joys and sorrows, in our strengths and weaknesses. He sees our suffering and declares that God's kingdom belongs to us. Those who seem to have the least by worldly standards may be the richest in faith and closest to God's heart.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

From Failure to Abundance: Trusting in God's Grace

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 09, 2025

Readings: Isaiah 6:1–8Psalm 138:1–57–81 Corinthians 15:1–11Luke 5:1–11

What do we do when we are in distress? Complain or get angry or depressed, or point at others that this is because of someone else or say to oneself that I am good for nothing, feel embarrassed or feeling of low? Our distress can manifest in many ways. But if we have that positive outlook and strong willpower even any sort of failures could be turned into moments of learning and embark on a journey that might be different from what one must have embarked upon. The liturgical readings on this 5th Sunday of the year tell us that only in God we can find our perfect refuge. It is God who calls us. He will give everything in need even in times of distress or failure.  

1. The Call to Trust in God's Word

We have a beautiful incident that occurred in the Lake of Gennesaret Luke 5:1–11 where Jesus is sitting in the boat and teaching the crowd. What follows next is really fascinating. Jesus wants to go fishing with his disciples and the response of St Peter is of distress and failure. Peter and his companions had spent the entire night fishing but caught nothing. They were exhausted and discouraged. Now the words of Jesus strike not only Peter even the fish to fill the net. "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch," he obeyed despite his doubts. The result was an overwhelming abundance of fish in the net!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Embracing the Light: Christ’s Presentation and Our Mission in the World

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord: February 02, 2025

Readings: Malachi 3:1–4Psalm 24:78910Hebrews 2:14–18Luke 2:22–40

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, a moment in the life of Christ that bridges the Old and New Testaments, fulfilling the law and revealing the light of salvation to the world. It's a day when baby Jesus is presented in the Temple, forty days after birth. As the firstborn, he belonged to God.  This feast invites us to reflect on the profound mystery of Christ’s humility, the fulfillment of God’s promises, and the call to be bearers of His light in our world today. Let us delve into the readings of the day to uncover the significance of this feast and its relevance to our lives.

1. The Presentation of the Lord: A Meeting of Heaven and Earth

In the Gospel of  Luke 2:22–40, we witness Mary and Joseph bringing the infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord, as prescribed by the Law of Moses. This act of obedience underscores the humility of the Holy Family and their fidelity to God’s covenant. Yet, this moment is far more than a ritual; it is a divine encounter. Simeon, guided by the Holy Spirit, recognizes Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, the “light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel” (Luke 2:32). Anna, the prophetess, also gives thanks to God and speaks of the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.

Friday, January 24, 2025

From Conviction to Action: Embracing Christ’s Call

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: January 26, 2025

Readings: Nehemiah 8:2–610Psalms 19:8–10151 Corinthians 12:12–30Luke 1:1–44:14–21

What would be our life if we did not live with convictions, values, norms or systems that determine a particular way of being in this world? We are judged by who we are, what we speak and the way we act. This determines our life, our present and our future. Our social upbringing and pedagogical training that we receive in schools and colleges decide the kind of world that we want to create. Jesus begins his public ministry from his experiences as a practicing Jew. His upbringing makes him what really he is and is meant to be. He takes up the role of Messiah bringing salvation to those who need it and are ready to listen. The liturgical readings on this Sunday invite us to be part of Jesus' mission of bringing goodness to all the people of goodwill.

1. The Call to Trust in God’s Word

The passages from Luke’s Gospel invite us into a profound contemplation of God’s promise fulfilled through Jesus Christ. In Luke 1:1–4, the evangelist carefully sets the stage, emphasizing the reliability of his account and his intention to provide an orderly narrative of the life and ministry of Jesus. It is addressed to Theophilus, whose name means "lover of God," an earnest inquirer about Jesus

Friday, January 17, 2025

Recognizing the Sacred: God’s Abundance in Our Lives

02nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: January 19, 2025

Readings: Isaiah 62:1–5Psalm 96:1–37–10;  1 Corinthians 12:4–11John 2:1–12

Somebody wrote "⁠When God wanted to create fish, he spoke to the sea. ⁠When God wanted to create trees, he spoke to the earth. ⁠But when God wanted to create man, he turned to Himself." God comes to us every day of our lives. Sometimes in known ways and sometimes in unknown ways. Jesus came into the world in known ways. There was more than sufficient literature about the coming of Jesus into the world. However many did not recognize him. On the Second Sunday of the Ordinary Time, the liturgical readings invite us to recognize Jesus, in fact, he makes himself known through a very big miracle of making water into wine at a wedding party.

1. Jesus ever ready to meet the needs of others

The first miracle recorded in the Gospel of St John 2:1–12 is the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus performs turning water into wine. Jesus loved celebrations. He was at home with his relatives.  Jesus does not shy away from his mother Mary when she asks him to do something in order to save the face of the host. Mary is very sensitive and looks at the needs of the present moment even though it does not concern her. Mary and Jesus recognize the sacredness of human relationships and the joy of communion. Their presence at such a big party is a lesson for us that  God delights in being with us, not only in solemn moments but also in our everyday celebrations.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Called and Commissioned: Living Our Baptismal Identity

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord: January 12, 2025

Readings: Isaiah 42:1–46–7Psalm 29:1–49–10Acts 10:34–38Luke 3:15–1621–22

As we enter into the ordinary rhythm of the New Year 2025, our spirits are still high with the blessings it brings. We may be getting busier, feeling the monotony of life yet the spirit with which we started the year must keep us going with the resolutions and other commitments that we have made for this year. Towards this end, the liturgical readings of this Sunday on the day of the feast of our Lord's Baptism invite us to take a closer look at the person of Jesus and John the Baptist who are just six months apart in their age, yet both are profound and committed to the cause for which they are called. John the Baptist is at the service of Word, which was made flesh among us. All his energies are geared towards this cause of preparing the way for God.

1. Getting to know our identity better

Today, we live in an age of digital identities, where our worth is often measured in likes and followers. Many people, especially our youth, struggle with questions of who they really are. Into this confusion, the Baptism of Jesus thunders with the Father's voice: "This is my beloved Son." This divine affirmation reminds us that our deepest identity isn't found in social media profiles or professional achievements, but in being God's beloved children. We see the perfect manifestation of the Holy Trinity – the Son standing in the waters, the Spirit descending like a dove, and the Father's voice proclaiming "This is my beloved Son."

Friday, January 3, 2025

Epiphany: Finding the Star of Our Lives

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord: January 05, 2025

Readings: Isaiah 60:1–6Psalm 72:1–27–810–1112–13Ephesians 3:2–35–6Matthew 2:1–12

We have just begun the new year 2025. Our hearts are full of hope and enthusiasm as we embark on another calendar year. Our life is measured by the years but also by the way we live. So the year 2025 is going to make a difference in our lives. The resolutions or promises that we have made as we enter into the new year are to be kept and followed diligently so that we can improve or make progress. To spend our time to the best, we have to make plans. We must have dreams and of course, we need to dream bigger. Our life is fascinating when we do things, which bring peace and joy, surprise and consolation to us. Life becomes meaningful and worthy of its gift when we make the best of it and when opportunities are made use of. The three kings who visit the baby Jesus give us that hope. Despite their lack of knowledge about the whereabouts of Jesus, they were able to meet and pay homage to the great wonder of the world.

1. The Universal Call of God

The story of the Magi journeying to pay homage to the Christ Child in Matthew 2:1–12 is one of the fascinating episodes among the infancy narratives of Jesus. It is filled with rich imagery and deep truths about God’s revelation to the world. The Magi, wise men from the East, represent the nations and peoples beyond Israel. This means that salvation is not confined to one group but extends to all humanity. God’s call transcends boundaries of culture, language, religion, race, and nationality. This epiphany invites us to embrace the universality of God’s love and extend it to those around us, especially those who seem different from us.

Friday, December 27, 2024

The Holy Family: A Model of Love, Unity, and Forgiveness

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: December 29, 2024

Readings: Sirach 3:2–6, 12–14Psalm 128:1–5Colossians 3:12–21Luke 2:41–52

Pope Francis says that family is “where we learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another.” As we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family, our first thoughts go to the blessed family of Nazareth: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This day is dedicated to the family in our liturgical calendar. Our families are called to be as holy as the family of the Nazareth. We are called to draw inspiration from this family of love, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another.

1. Life as Pilgrimage of Faith

The passage of Luke 2:41–52 recounts a profound moment in the life of Jesus and His family, offering us a glimpse into the divine mystery of His identity and mission. It is the only Gospel account of Jesus' youth, highlighting His wisdom and the tension between His earthly life and divine calling. Often we become restless and angry when our children grow and choose the path which may not be to our liking. We might be unconsciously trying to control them or we might be thinking that they are not capable of choosing their career path.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas 2024: Gazing at the Innocence of the Child

Christmas 2024: December 25, 2024
What kind of newness could this Christmas 2024 bring to us?
Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ - painting at Infant Jesus Church, Ernakulam
Christmas is not for faint-hearted and hopeless people. Christmas is not meant for people who do not desire to see great things in their lives. Christmas is not for those who are unwilling to embrace change, flexibility, and openness to newness. Christmas is not meant for those who are fearful, diffident, lost in the little things that worry them, or lost in their smallness. Christmas is not meant for those, who have low self-confidence, are lazy and lack imagination. In other words, Christmas is for those who are courageous and hopeful people. Christmas is for those who desire to see great things in their lives. Christmas is for those who are looking for change, dynamism and openness to the greater things that happen in their lives. Christmas is for those who are confident, hardworking and who can imagine greater things in their own lives and the lives of those who are around them.

1. Unforeseen Circumstances in Jesus' Birth
As we celebrate Christmas, we imagine, the Child Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Angels, Shepherds, cows and goats around them. Not just human beings but even animals participate in Jesus's birth scene. It is something uncommon for a Jewish family to give birth to a child in a cowshed. But this is what actually happens in the life of Jesus. If the Roman Emperor's diktat of the census was not in place, Jesus would have had a normal home for his delivery. Mary and Joseph now find the right place of a manger where the cows have their food and become a place for Jesus to be born and sheltered in that inopportune place.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Advent: Standing at the Threshold for God's Arrival

04th Sunday of Advent: December 22, 2024

Readings: Micah 5:1–4Psalm 80:2–315–1618–19Hebrews 10:5–10Luke 1:39–45

As we arrive at the Fourth Sunday of Advent, we stand at a sacred threshold. The purple candles of our Advent wreaths flicker with anticipation, and our hearts beat in rhythm with Mary's journey to Bethlehem. In these final moments before Christmas, we are invited to contemplate what it truly means to be a dwelling place for the Divine.

1. Wonder at the incomprehensible mystery of God

St. Gregory of Nyssa, that profound mystic of the early Church, once wrote: "Concepts create idols; only wonder comprehends anything." As we ponder the mystery of the Incarnation, these words take on special significance. In our modern world of instant gratification and digital distractions, we often try to reduce everything to easily digestible concepts. Yet the wonder of God becoming human defies all our attempts at neat categorization.

Friday, December 13, 2024

The Joy of Advent: Rejoice, for the Lord is Near

03rd Sunday of Advent: December 15, 2024

Readings: Zephaniah 3:14–18Isaiah 12:2–6Philippians 4:4–7Luke 3:10–18

The Third Sunday of Advent, often called Gaudete Sunday, calls us to rejoice. The readings today proclaim joy, hope, and a sense of eager anticipation for the coming of the Lord. As we live in a world marked by uncertainty, conflict, and deep longing for peace, these scriptures remind us to root our joy in God’s presence and His promises. Living with this trust enables us to radiate joy and hope, even amidst life’s uncertainties.  As we await the coming of Christ, we are called to live as people of hope, joy, and justice, bearing witness to His presence in our midst. As we heed John’s call, we prepare the way for Christ, not only in our hearts but in the lives of those around us. 

1. Preparing the Way with Actions

We see in Luke 3:10–18, John the Baptist’s call to repentance is direct, clear, explicit and practical. He exhorts the crowds to live out their faith by sharing with the poor, practicing honesty, and avoiding exploitation. In a world plagued by inequality and corruption, John’s call is a summons to solidarity. To the wealthy, he says, “Give.” To those in positions of power, he says, “Do not abuse.” These words demand action. As St. Augustine writes: "True repentance is not just in words but in the reformation of life. What good is it to say, 'Prepare the way of the Lord,' if we do not walk the path ourselves?"

Friday, December 6, 2024

Advent - God's Action in Human History

02nd Sunday of Advent: December 08, 2024

Readings: Baruch 5:1–9Psalm 126:1–6Philippians 1:4–68–11Luke 3:1–6

The liturgical readings for the Second Sunday of Advent invite us to contemplate the historical and salvific reality of the Incarnation, as God enters human history in the person of Jesus Christ. It is a profound reality of God's intervention in human history. Hence we must understand the mystery of salvation from the historical context. By doing so, we might be able to deepen our relationship with God thus we celebrate Christmas in a meaningful way. Advent is a season of waiting, but it is also a season of remembering: the God who once entered history as the Word made flesh continues to shape our lives today.

1. Salvation Rooted in History

Luke’s Gospel situates John the Baptist’s ministry within a detailed historical framework: the reign of Tiberius Caesar, the governance of Pontius Pilate, and the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas. These specifics emphasize that the story of salvation is not an abstract idea but a real event within human history. This historical grounding is crucial because it reminds us that God's salvation is tangible and accessible. John’s call to “prepare the way of the Lord” resonates today, inviting us to recognize how Christ continues to meet us in the reality of our own lives and circumstances.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Advent: A Journey from Restlessness to Peace

01st Sunday of Advent: December 01, 2024

Readings: Jeremiah 33:14-16Psalm 25:4-5,8-10,141 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2Luke 21:25-2834-36

The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a sacred journey—a time of anticipation and hope. This season invites us to reflect on our longing for God amidst the complexities and struggles of life. Our restless hearts yearn for meaning, connection, and peace, echoing the psalmist's cry: “As the deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for you, O God” (Psalm 42:1). Rather than allowing fear and confusion to paralyse us as we see the many problems in our world, we look up. We eagerly await and work for the coming of God's reign in our midst. In the midst of chaos and distress, fear and anxiety, while very powers of heaven are shaken, we are called to stand tall, and strong with heads lifted up. This is Christian courage!

1. A world in need of hope

In today’s world, humanity seems to wrestle with both ancient and modern challenges. Wars, climate crises, economic disparity, and the isolation brought about by technological over-dependence have left many feeling overwhelmed and distant from hope. Yet, these struggles unveil a deeper truth: our longing for God is not a sign of weakness but a testament to the divine imprint within us. The emptiness we feel is not something to fear; it is the space God seeks to fill with His love.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Christ the Servant King: A Call to Authentic Discipleship and Hope

The Solemnity of Christ the King: November 24, 2024

Readings: Daniel 7:13-14Psalm 93:1-2,5Revelation 1:5-8John 18:33-37

This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King, a feast that calls us to recognize and honour Jesus as the King of the Universe. It also marks the end of the liturgical year, inviting us to reflect on the journey of faith we have traversed and prepare for the Advent season—a time of waiting and hope. At Baptism, when we are anointed with Chrism, the words used are: "As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet and King, so may you live always as a member of his body." These powerful words are a true reminder that we too take part in Christ's kingly functions.

1. Christ the Servant King

Unlike earthly kings, Jesus’ kingship is rooted in humility and service. He reigns not with power and might but through love, mercy, and sacrifice. His throne is the cross, and His crown is made of thorns. This image of Jesus challenges us to embrace servant leadership in our lives. A good number of us may not even like the word "King." Having lived in democratic countries, and a constitution, we love everyone to be treated equally. However, we must learn from Christ not as a King who runs the affairs of the world just like secular rulers but as a King who serves and becomes a model for us.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Becoming Signs of Hope and Contradiction - A Call to Holy Disruption

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 17, 2024

Readings: Daniel 12:1-3Psalm 16:5,8-11Hebrews 10:11-14,18Mark 13:24-32

As we draw near to the end of the liturgical year, the liturgical readings on the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time encourage us to live with vigilance and hope, grounded in faith. In a world marked by challenges—conflict, social injustice, and environmental crises—our call as Christians feels ever more urgent. We are reminded that to be a follower of Christ in today's world means to be a bearer of light, compassion, and courage. Amid the uncertainty, we are called to be steady and resilient, living out our faith not in fear but in trust, not in isolation but in community. Jesus invites us to be people, who build bridges, seek peace, and respond with compassion to the cries of those around us.

1. A Call to Holy Disruption

In Mark 13:24-32, Jesus presents an apocalyptic vision of the end times—a world plunged into darkness, cosmic forces in upheaval, and the heavens themselves shaken. It is a powerful and unsettling image, and it is meant to unsettle us. Yet, we find within this disruption a promise of redemption: the coming of the Son of Man in "great power and glory," gathering all people to Himself. Jesus’ words challenge us to look beyond the surface, to see that God's kingdom is not just a place or a future event but an active reality that breaks into our lives even now.