

Friday, September 13, 2024

Embracing Christ’s Identity: A Call to Faith, Service and Purpose

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time: September 15, 2024

Readings: Isaiah 50:4-9Psalm 116:1-6, 8-9James 2:14-18Mark 8:27-35

The sense of identity is a foundational aspect of human existence, shaping how we understand ourselves, our purpose, and our place in the world. In the context of Jesus, identity is deeply intertwined with spiritual calling and divine relationship. Jesus' sense of identity was rooted in His relationship with God the Father, His mission to bring salvation, and His embodiment of divine love and truth. This strong sense of identity empowered Him to remain steadfast in His purpose, even in the face of suffering and rejection. As a believer understanding our identity in Christ invites us to live in alignment with God's will, finding true purpose and meaning through our connection to Him.

1. Authenticity and Identity of Christ as Real
Mark 8:27-35 is a profound passage where Jesus asks His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” This question is central to the identity of Jesus and the nature of discipleship. For this St Peter responds, “You are the Messiah,” a truth that sets the foundation for Christian faith. However, Jesus quickly reminds the disciples that understanding Him as the Messiah isn't about power or earthly glory, but suffering, sacrifice, and humility. Jesus’ identity as the suffering servant calls us to rethink the nature of power in our lives. Discipleship is about following Christ in humility, recognizing that the path to life goes through self-giving love, not personal gain.

How do we answer Christ’s question today? Do we recognize Him not only as Lord but also as the one who invites us into a life of service and sacrifice? Jesus calls those who wish to follow Him to “deny themselves and take up their cross.” This can be understood as a radical reorientation of life. Denying oneself means letting go of ego, pride, jealousy, evil and selfish ambitions. The "cross" is not just suffering for the sake of suffering but aligning ourselves with God’s will, even when it is difficult. In a world that values self-promotion, denying ourselves for the sake of Christ feels countercultural, yet it is the path to true freedom. What crosses are we called to bear today? Are we willing to surrender our comfort and desires for the sake of Christ?

2. Losing to Find something Bigger and Larger
Jesus paradoxically states, “Whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.” This challenges the common pursuit of security, success, and control over one’s life. Instead, Jesus invites us to "lose" our lives—our attachments, our plans, our need for control—trusting that in Him, we will discover life in its truest form. This is an invitation to a deep faith, where losing leads to finding and surrendering to true fulfillment. Where in your life are you clinging to control? What might God be asking you to release so that you can find the fullness of life He offers?

Being mortal, the reality of suffering is a part of the Christian journey. Jesus openly speaks about His impending suffering, rejection, and death. Following Him means embracing the difficult realities of life with faith. This isn’t about seeking suffering but understanding that trials are part of Christian discipleship. Do we trust that God is with us in our moments of pain? How can we walk in faith when facing difficulties, knowing that resurrection follows the cross?

3. Faith in Action bears Fruit
St James 2:14-18  addresses the relationship between faith and works, emphasizes that faith without action is incomplete. The apostle writes, “What good is it, my brothers and sisters if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds?” This challenges the idea that faith can exist in a vacuum, disconnected from our actions. True faith is lived out in practical ways that reveal our love for God and others. Faith is not simply a belief system; it is a transformative power that moves us toward compassion, justice, and service. If we claim to follow Christ, our lives must reflect the values of the Gospel.

Is your faith prompting you to act? How are you embodying God’s love through service, kindness, and mercy toward others? Faith is meant to bear fruit, just as a healthy tree produces good fruit. Faith is dynamic, growing, and visible in our lives through good deeds. A faith that doesn’t change the way we live or interact with others is a stagnant faith, an empty faith. It reminds us that faith isn't just about a relationship between us and God—it must overflow into how we treat the world around us. Our acts of kindness, love, and service are not just for the benefit of others but serve as a testimony to the power of Christ working within us. Our works are the hands and feet of our faith, demonstrating the love of God to a watching world.

Questions for self-reflection
  1. What is my personal relationship with the person of Christ today?
  2. When I face suffering or challenges, do I see them as opportunities to grow in faith and draw closer to Christ?
  3. How can I live more humbly, serving others as Christ did, rather than seeking recognition or status?
  4. Am I living in a way that my actions are a testimony to my faith in Christ, or do I keep my faith private?
Prayer based on Psalm 116

Loving and gracious God,
I come before You with a heart full of gratitude. I thank You for hearing me in my moments of need. You are ever close, and Your compassion brings comfort to my soul. When I was lost in distress, You rescued me. When I felt weak and vulnerable, Your mercy upheld me. You are my protector and refuge, the One who saves me from stumbling. 

Teach me to walk before You, Lord, in the land of the living, trusting always in Your goodness and grace. As I journey through life, help me to rest in the knowledge that You are with me, sustaining me with Your love and guiding me on the path of righteousness. In Your holy name, I pray, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
September 13, 2024

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady: A Celebration of Faith, Family, and Harvest

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: September 08, 2024

Readings: Isaiah 35:4–7Psalm 146:7–10James 2:1–5Mark 7:31–37

On September 8th each year, the Church celebrates a feast that holds deep significance for Catholics worldwide—the Nativity of Our Lady, the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This joyous occasion marks the beginning of Mary’s earthly life, a life that would pave the way for the Incarnation of Christ. As the Mother of God, Mary’s birth is seen as a prelude to the salvation story, making this feast an essential part of the liturgical calendar.

For many Catholic communities, the Nativity of Our Lady is not only a day of spiritual reflection but also one filled with rich cultural and familial traditions. Among these communities are the Mangalore Konkani Christians of India, who celebrate this feast in a unique and heartfelt manner, blending their deep-rooted Catholic faith with local customs. Known as "Monti Fest," this celebration brings together the dual significance of Mary’s birth and the harvest season.

1. A Feast of the Family and Harvest

The Mangalore Konkani Christians celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Mary as a time to give thanks for the harvest. As a farming community for centuries, the harvest represented God’s abundant blessings, a sign of His providence and care. By associating the harvest with Mary’s nativity, the community expresses gratitude not only for the crops that sustain their bodies but also for Mary, who nourishes their souls by leading them to Christ.

Friday, August 30, 2024

From Ritual to Reality: Cultivating Inner Holiness

 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: September 01, 2024

Readings: Deuteronomy 4:1–2,6–8Psalm 15:2–5James 1:17–1821–2227Mark 7:1–814–1521–23

Often we are lost in external things, which might not be necessary at all to reach God. In glorifying external things, we might lose what is necessary, essential and salvific. As scripture rightly puts it, God sees the heart of man and woman. Internal aspects are very essential that might bring us closer to God. Psalms always ask for grace, “Create in me a clean heart, O Lord” (Psalm 51:10-19). That should be our prayer every day of our lives. The liturgical readings of this 22nd Sunday in ordinary time of the year, invite us to get into the innermost of our being and see what pleases God and not what pleases men and women of today. True holiness comes from within, and it is only through God's grace that we can be cleansed and made new.

1. Look at the interiority rather than the exteriority

In Mark 7:1–814–1521–23, Jesus confronts the Pharisees and scribes who criticize His disciples for eating with unwashed hands, which they see as a breach of tradition. Jesus responds by challenging their focus on external rituals over the inner condition of the heart. He emphasizes that it is not what enters a person from the outside that defiles them, but what comes from within. Jesus invites us to consider how we can cultivate a purity that goes beyond external rituals. Are we allowing God to shape our inner life? Are we more concerned with how we appear to others than with the state of our hearts? 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Challenged by Faith: Choosing Christ Amid Life’s Difficulties

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 25, 2024

Readings: Joshua 24:1-215-18Psalm 34:2-316-23Ephesians 5:21-32John 6:60-69

We live in a complex world. Often we get ourselves drowned in the complexities and demands of this world. As a result, we find ourselves confronted with challenges that test the depth of our faith. The teachings of Jesus are as radical and transformative now as they were over two thousand years ago, and sometimes, like the disciples we too struggle to fully grasp or accept them. In a world where doubt and confusion can easily take root, the liturgical readings of this Sunday speak directly to the heart of what it means to truly follow Christ—especially when His words are hard to understand or live out.

1. Temptations and the Challenge of Faith

In John 6:60-69, many of Jesus' disciples respond to His teachings by saying, "This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?" Jesus had just revealed Himself as the Bread of Life, emphasizing that true life comes from partaking in His body and blood—a concept that was difficult for many to grasp. This challenged the very nature of faith. Faith often requires us to embrace what is beyond human understanding, trusting in God's wisdom even when His words seem difficult or counterintuitive. The journey of faith is not always about understanding everything, but about trusting in the One who calls us.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Sacrifice and Communion: The Journey to Eternal Life

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 18, 2024

Readings: Proverbs 9:1–6Psalm 34:2–310–15Ephesians 5:15–20John 6:51–58

We are no longer in the post-modern world but in the post-truth world. People don't take you seriously even though you may be an authority over a particular subject. It's not about seeing is believing instead it's living without believing. As I write these reflections, I'm in XLRI Delhi campus for a workshop on "Artificial Intelligence for Excellence in Education." Until recently, we googled to get new information but today we give prompts to Open ChatGPT or Gemini to know more. However, in the midst of sudden and quick changes in the way we live, conceive and articulate things, still the eternal truths that are found in the Holy Scripture and spoken by our Lord Jesus are still relevant and actual today.

1. The Bread of Life – A Call to Deep Communion
John 6:51–58 is a profound passage where Jesus speaks about being the "living bread" that came down from heaven. He emphasizes that whoever eats this bread will live forever and that the bread he gives is his flesh, offered for the life of the world. The mystery of the Eucharist and the intimate relationship Christ offers to his followers is mindboggling.  This statement invites us to reflect on the intimate and life-giving relationship that Christ offers. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Eternal Nourishment and Spirit-Filled Living through Holiness

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 11, 2024

Readings: 1 Kings 19:4-8Psalm 34:2-9Ephesians 4:30-5:2John 6:41-51

In a world marked by uncertainty, anxiety, and the relentless pursuit of fleeting comforts, the timeless truths found in Scripture offer us a profound source of hope and guidance. As we navigate the complexities of modern life—grappling with fears, conflicts, and the deep hunger for meaning—we are invited to turn our gaze toward the spiritual nourishment that only Christ can provide. The liturgical readings of this 19th Sunday in Ordinary time call us to examine our hearts, align our lives with God’s love, and embrace the life-changing power of His Word. In doing so, we discover that even amidst the challenges of today, we can find peace, purpose, and strength by living in communion with Christ and walking in the light of His truth.

1. Trusting in Unseen Divine Nourishment

In  John 6:41-51, Jesus identifies Himself as the "bread of life," a powerful metaphor that invites us to reflect on the spiritual nourishment that He offers. Jesus contrasts the manna given to the Israelites in the desert with the true bread from heaven—Himself. While manna sustained physical life temporarily, Jesus offered something far greater: eternal life. This reminds us that our spiritual needs are far more significant than our physical needs. Just as our bodies require daily sustenance, our souls also need to be fed regularly with the Word of God and a relationship with Christ.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Divine Directions: Finding Purpose and Fulfillment through Spiritual Wisdom

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 04, 2024

Readings: Exodus 16:2–412–15Psalm 78:3–423–2554Ephesians 4:1720–24John 6:24–35

In today's fast-paced, ever-changing world, many seek deeper meaning and direction in their lives. The teachings from the scripture offer timeless wisdom relevant to our contemporary context. They urge us to move beyond superficial pursuits and embrace a mindset focused on truth and righteousness. The Word of God challenges us to seek fulfillment not in material possessions but in spiritual growth and connection. By internalizing these lessons, we can find true purpose and authenticity, addressing the modern-day quest for a meaningful and grounded life.

1. Seeking True and Lasting Fulfillment

John 6:24–35 is a profound passage where Jesus speaks about being the "bread of life," offering spiritual sustenance that transcends physical nourishment. In this passage, people come looking for Jesus after witnessing the miracle of feeding the 5,000. They are driven by their physical hunger, seeking more food. However, Jesus points them toward a deeper hunger that can only be satisfied by spiritual nourishment. The common human experience of seeking fulfillment in material things often leaves us feeling empty. True fulfillment comes from a relationship with Christ, the bread of life, who offers a deeper satisfaction that endures beyond temporary needs.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Igniting Faith: The Ignatian Journey of Knowing, Loving, and Following Jesus

The Solemnity of St Ignatius of Loyola: July 31, 2024

Readings: Jer 20: 7-9; 1 Cor 10:31-11; Lk14:25-33

St Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)

(The following homily is preached by Fr Arun Kumar SJ at SJBHS, Bangalore)

In the Gospel of the day, we see that Jesus is going to face Martyrdom in Jerusalem. So, Jesus wants his followers to leave behind everything and everyone entirely and commit themselves totally to Jesus. A large crowd followed him. But he wasn’t happy with the number. As educationist I’m sure for us the numbers are important in terms of number of admissions, scoring of marks, number of ranks ete… that is part of our educational system. Here Jesus is emphasising more on the quality of members than the quantity of followers. Hence those who commit themselves to Jesus have to make sure that their commitment is all consuming with devotion to Jesus’ mission. Therefore, he wants only those who are committed with all their soul, with all their strength, with all their heart and with all their mind. To meet the demands of his discipleship, he puts 3 conditions. These 3 requirements to follow Jesus are:

Thursday, July 25, 2024

From Scarcity to Abundance: Embracing God's Provision and Compassion

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time:  28 July 2024

Readings: 2 Kings 4:42–44Psalm 145:10-11, 15–18Ephesians 4:1–6John 6:1–15

Why there is so much of scare when God gives us so much for our care? Today, we live in a world where issues of scarcity, inequality, and the distribution of resources are ever-present concerns. Whether it's addressing global hunger, economic disparities, or even personal feelings of inadequacy, the themes of this Sunday's liturgical readings speak directly to our collective and individual challenges. 

1. Trust, God provides
In John 6:1–15, Jesus performs the miracle of feeding five thousand people with just five barley loaves and two fish. This story is not merely about a miraculous act of feeding a large crowd; it speaks profoundly about God's provision and abundance. In our lives, we often face situations where our resources—whether they are time, money, or energy—seem insufficient. In such moments, God can multiply our limited resources to meet the needs around us. Hence, we must trust in God's providence and offer what little we have, believing that He can do great things with it. As Christians we share: one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.