

Friday, August 26, 2022

Being a Citizen of Heaven

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 28, 2022

Readings: Sirach 3:17–18, 20, 28–29; Psalm 68:4–7,10–11; Hebrews 12:18–19, 22–24; Luke 14:1, 7–14

To listen to the audio-video reflections on YOUTUBE please click on this link: https://youtu.be/Yr9xgRT4jME

In a world of name and fame, being simple and unnoticed is difficult. The human tendency urges one to be recognized and identified. There is in each one of us the "Will to Power" a main driving force in humans. It is an irrational force, found in all individuals, that can be channelled toward different ends. The liturgical readings of today take us in another direction that is to be humble and unnoticed and thus be a person of God.

1. Give up your place

Jesus narrates a parable of guests at the wedding feast. Jesus is such a people watcher and observer! Jesus invites his listeners to be attentive and watch the situation before one could take a place in such public functions. Jesus illustrates an important eternal truth. It is better not to take a place that is not meant or suitable to us. It is good for us to choose a place in a public gathering unnoticeable. It is better that when someone recognizes us who we are and accordingly accommodates us by giving a suitable place. In other words, one's humility must give him or her credit to be honoured.  Jesus is revealing the way of the Kingdom, in which the one who would be greatest would be the servant of all (Luke 22:24–27). In fact, you recognize unexpected God based on the foundation of your humility. 

Friday, August 19, 2022

Lord, Open the Door for us - a Gift of Salvation

 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 21, 2022

Readings: Isaiah 66:18–21Psalm 117:12Hebrews 12:5–711–13Luke 13:22–30

To listen to the audio-video reflections on YOUTUBE please click on this link: https://youtu.be/7eEaRcZzgSo

We are living in a world of anxiety. Often, one of the speculative questions that keep on coming into the circle of Christians is, will there many or few people be saved? So the question of salvation seems to be back in our minds and comes to the fore now and then. 

1. Not how many are saved but how to be saved

The gospel reading of today begins this way: 'Jesus went on his way through towns and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem.  And some one said to him, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?”' (Luke 13:22-23). It is very curious to note that the question was asked about salvation while Jesus was on a Journey to Jerusalem, a city of God, where every Jew found his or her perfect place to worship Yahweh. Our life is a journey towards eternity. Therefore, both journey and destiny are important.  God's gift of life has a purpose. It is not for procuring wealth and earthy treasures here on earth but heavenly treasures. In Kannada, somebody put it with a bit of humour: "ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುವುದು ಸುಮ್ಮನೆ, ಮೇಲೆ ಇರುವುದು ನಮ್ಮ ಮನೆ" Illi iruvudu summane, mele iruvudu namma mane,  "We are here for nothing, but we have a home above." 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Holy Tension and the Spirit of Discipleship

 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 14, 2022

Readings: Jeremiah 38:4–68–10Psalm 40:2–418Hebrews 12:1–4Luke 12:49–53

To listen to the audio-video reflections on YOUTUBE please click on this link: https://youtu.be/9aLl2P2eHT0

We are in the midst of celebrating 75th anniversary of Indian independence. The words like freedom, liberation, peace, justice, harmony, integrity, love, multiculturality, diversity, progress, sacrifice, selfless service, collaboration, cooperation, identity, etc, are some of the words that will be heard in the speeches delivered on the 15th August. As we continue to enjoy the blessings of independence from foreign forces, we are becoming aware of how we are enslaved by the unfreedom because of our corrupt political and bureaucratic system, one-sided majoritism which wants to place minorities under its subjugation, ever-widening communal divide destroying the very fabric of Indian multiethnicity and religiosity, unstoppable price rise and pushing the poor into still deeper poverty and so forth. 

In the midst of this, we also celebrate the solemnity of the Assumption of Mother Mary into heaven. Here is a person who showed us through her life what true freedom and liberation are. Mary overcomes all evils and sufferings of this world because of her deep faith in God. Her obedience to God's Will demolishes all that is not good and disappointing. In other words, Christian spirituality is nothing but living our lives with the tension of our daily lives with the call of Jesus. 

1. A right relationship with God through a right living

The liturgical readings on this 20th Sunday of the ordinary time are astonishing. We see Jeremiah, the prophet subjugated to all sorts of persecution including being made to die in a well because he spoke the truth. In the gospel reading, Jesus appears to us very puzzling and even alarming. He asks: “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division” (Luke 12:51). Perhaps, we must do connecting the dots here.  Jesus uses the image of fire to describe the demands or the cost of discipleship. In the prayer that Jesus gave us to pray to our Father in heaven, we pray for God’s kingdom to come on this earth. That is a Kingdom of peace and justice which is more than we can think of (Matthew 6:10). In other words, Jesus wants no divisions but unification with God through a right living. 

Friday, August 5, 2022

Where Your Treasure is, There also will Your Heart be

 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 07, 2022

Readings: Wisdom 18:6–9Psalm 33:11218–22Hebrews 11:1–28–19Lk 12:32-48

Who does not like wealth or treasure? Probably the monks or ascetics! The gospel reading of today (Lk 12:32-48) speaks about treasure. It articulates two kinds of treasures. One that is stored on earth and the other stored in heaven. Perhaps, we can understand very easily the wealth stored on the earth. These are material goods, things that are dear to us for our daily use, things that give us comfort and solace, things that give us fame and name, and things that make us so-called civilized or cultured men or women.

1. Living in the City of God and the City of Man

Things that we own on this earth are essential for our daily living. We cannot say goodbye to them so easily. As we understand that these things are very essential, sometimes they might become our masters and in turn we, their slaves. Our internal freedom is either sold out or reconciled. Therefore the teaching of Jesus about material wealth has its relevance even today. As Christians, we are entrusted with a mission to act, following the example of Jesus, and through our actions to serve others and God.