Christmas 2024: December 25, 2024
What kind of newness could this Christmas 2024 bring to us?
Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ - painting at Infant Jesus Church, Ernakulam |
Christmas is not for faint-hearted and hopeless people. Christmas is not meant for people who do not desire to see great things in their lives. Christmas is not for those who are unwilling to embrace change, flexibility, and openness to newness. Christmas is not meant for those who are fearful, diffident, lost in the little things that worry them, or lost in their smallness. Christmas is not meant for those, who have low self-confidence, are lazy and lack imagination. In other words, Christmas is for those who are courageous and hopeful people. Christmas is for those who desire to see great things in their lives. Christmas is for those who are looking for change, dynamism and openness to the greater things that happen in their lives. Christmas is for those who are confident, hardworking and who can imagine greater things in their own lives and the lives of those who are around them.
1. Unforeseen Circumstances in Jesus' Birth
As we celebrate Christmas, we imagine, the Child Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Angels, Shepherds, cows and goats around them. Not just human beings but even animals participate in Jesus's birth scene. It is something uncommon for a Jewish family to give birth to a child in a cowshed. But this is what actually happens in the life of Jesus. If the Roman Emperor's diktat of the census was not in place, Jesus would have had a normal home for his delivery. Mary and Joseph now find the right place of a manger where the cows have their food and become a place for Jesus to be born and sheltered in that inopportune place.