

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Living in God’s Light: Building Relationships Rooted in Faith

08th Sunday in Ordinary Time: March 02, 2025

Readings: Sirach 27:4–7Psalm 92:2–3, 13–161 Corinthians 15:54–58Luke 6:39–45

Three things are very important in life to make it meaningful: Trust, mercy and forgiveness. Trust builds our relationships, mercy brings people together, and forgiveness creates peace among people.  This week we have been reading very poignant readings from the book of Sirach (wisdom literature of the Bible). What matters most in our life is living our earthly life in line with the precepts of God. It means allowing God to be God. Being born with limitedness and vulnerability, none of us are perfect. Especially when we live in families or religious communities, we need more and more power to make adjustments in order to build trust, mercy and forgiveness. The liturgical readings of this Sunday tell us that to be good means to be embraced by the compassion of our God.

1. Building our lives with God as true light
In this passage of Luke 6:39–45, Jesus speaks in parables, offering wisdom about guidance, self-awareness, and the fruitfulness of a good heart. His words challenge us to examine ourselves, to seek true wisdom, and to bear fruit that reflects God’s presence within us. "Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit?" (Luke 6:39).  Jesus warns against the danger of being led by those who lack true spiritual sight. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

A Call to Radical Love to Love Without Limits

07th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 23, 2025

Readings: 1 Samuel 26:27–912–1322–23Psalm 103:1–131 Corinthians 15:45–49Luke 6:27–38

On this 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are invited to reflect on the radical call of Christian discipleship: to love as God loves, to show mercy as He shows mercy, and to rise above our human instincts for retaliation or self-interest. Through the readings, we see David’s reverence for God’s anointed, St. Paul’s reminder of our heavenly calling in Christ, and Jesus’ challenging command to love our enemies and give without measure. These lessons call us to embody God’s kindness and mercy in a world often marked by division and strife. Let us open our hearts to this transformative message, striving to live as true children of the Most High.

1. Love Beyond Measure
The Gospel passage from Luke 6:27–38 is one of the most challenging yet profoundly transformative teachings of Jesus. It calls us to a radical way of life—one that reflects the boundless love and mercy of God. Jesus begins with an invitation that seems almost impossible: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." (Luke 6:27–28)

Friday, February 14, 2025

Walking with Christ: Living the Beatitudes in a Troubled World

06th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 16, 2025

Readings: Jeremiah 17:5–8Psalm 1:1–461 Corinthians 15:1216–20Luke 6:1720–26

In our world today, kindness often seems in short supply. Individuals have their own reasons to negate someone or feel jealousy about others. Often history is a repetition of mistakes. Looking around our world now, some 2000 years since Jesus came into the world, humanity continues to repeat past mistakes.  We seem to believe we can solve all problems if we just_____(fill in the blank).  People continue to face a multitude of tragedies and trauma. Very few are ready to accept defeat.  Many feel frustrated and exhausted, with nothing left to give. However it is time to sit down and rest, but not surrender or give up, and 2025 is the perfect year to renew and deepen our relationship with God. The liturgical readings of today are truly soothing balm to our hurts and wounds.

1. The Presence of Jesus in Our Midst

In Luke 6:1720–26, Jesus does not remain at the heights of the mountain; He comes down to be among the people. His ministry is not detached or distant, but close and personal. He stands on level ground, meeting the people where they are—amid their struggles, hopes, and pains. This reminds us that Christ is not a distant God but one who walks with us in our everyday lives. He comes to meet us in our joys and sorrows, in our strengths and weaknesses. He sees our suffering and declares that God's kingdom belongs to us. Those who seem to have the least by worldly standards may be the richest in faith and closest to God's heart.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

From Failure to Abundance: Trusting in God's Grace

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 09, 2025

Readings: Isaiah 6:1–8Psalm 138:1–57–81 Corinthians 15:1–11Luke 5:1–11

What do we do when we are in distress? Complain or get angry or depressed, or point at others that this is because of someone else or say to oneself that I am good for nothing, feel embarrassed or feeling of low? Our distress can manifest in many ways. But if we have that positive outlook and strong willpower even any sort of failures could be turned into moments of learning and embark on a journey that might be different from what one must have embarked upon. The liturgical readings on this 5th Sunday of the year tell us that only in God we can find our perfect refuge. It is God who calls us. He will give everything in need even in times of distress or failure.  

1. The Call to Trust in God's Word

We have a beautiful incident that occurred in the Lake of Gennesaret Luke 5:1–11 where Jesus is sitting in the boat and teaching the crowd. What follows next is really fascinating. Jesus wants to go fishing with his disciples and the response of St Peter is of distress and failure. Peter and his companions had spent the entire night fishing but caught nothing. They were exhausted and discouraged. Now the words of Jesus strike not only Peter even the fish to fill the net. "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch," he obeyed despite his doubts. The result was an overwhelming abundance of fish in the net!