

Friday, March 21, 2025

Encountering the Living God in the Ordinary : A Call to Trust

03rd Sunday of Lent: March 23, 2025

Readings: Exodus 3:1–8, 13–15; Psalm 103:1–4, 6–8, 11; 1 Corinthians 10:1–6, 10–12; Luke 13:1–9

Death and destruction are part of our lives. Often we find it difficult to understand the suffering, death and loss that occur in our lives. Sadly, they do not allow us to live in peace. We find no meaning in such incidences which are so painful and seldom they happen successively, one after the other. Due to such unbearable experiences, we might lose hope in God and ourselves as well. The history of humanity has been a tale of such happenings and experiences. We find it difficult to harness and learn from experiences until they happen to us and we are part of this unhappy phenomenon. The liturgical readings on this Third Sunday of Lent give us experiences that occurred in the lives of Israelites. Jesus' explanations to the crowd leave them more confused as their thinking is limited.

1. A Call to Repentance and Fruitfulness

In today’s Gospel, Luke 13:1–9 Jesus responds to two tragic events: The slaughter of Galileans by Pilate and the collapse of a tower in Siloam. The people assume that those who suffered from these tragedies were worse sinners than others. But Jesus challenges this mindset. Rather than focusing on why bad things happen, He turns the question toward personal conversion: “Unless you repent, you will all perish as they did.” Jesus’ words today are not meant to instill fear but to wake us from spiritual sluggishness or laziness. God’s patience is a gift, but it is not to be taken for granted. We are called to respond, to repent, and to bear fruit—not tomorrow, but today.

Lent is a time of self-examination, and Jesus reminds us that external misfortunes are not signs of divine punishment. Instead, the real urgency lies in our need to repent—to turn back to God with sincerity. Repentance is not merely about feeling sorry for our sins but about allowing God’s grace to transform us. It is allowing God to cultivate our hearts of tenderness and mercy.

2. Spiritual boldness in the face of desert experiences

Jesus then tells the parable of the barren fig tree. The owner of the vineyard wants to cut it down because it has not borne fruit for three years. Yet the gardener intercedes, asking for one more year to cultivate and care for it. This image is both a warning and a message of hope. God is patient with us, but His patience calls for a response. The fig tree is given time, but not indefinite time. For a practicing Christian, this passage invites two concrete responses:

  1. A personal call to examine our spiritual fruitfulness. Are we bearing the fruit of love, forgiveness, generosity, and mercy in our daily lives? Have we grown complacent in our faith, thinking that mere religious practice is enough? Lent is a season to be “dug around” and “fertilized” by prayer, fasting, and acts of charity.
  2. A call to intercede for others. The gardener’s plea reminds us of our role in accompanying those who struggle in faith. Do we give up on people too quickly? Do we pray for others with the same persistence, asking God to nurture them?

3. Encountering the God of life in the Ordinary

In today’s reading Exodus 3:1–8, 13–15, Moses encounters God in the burning bush—an ordinary sight transformed by God’s presence. What begins as curiosity turns into a life-changing moment. God reveals Himself, calling Moses to lead His people out of slavery in Egypt. Sometimes we expect God only in grand spiritual experiences like retreats, liturgies, etc, but He often speaks in the ordinary—through people, challenges, and moments of silence. Are we paying attention? Do we take time to listen to His voice in our daily lives?

Moses hesitated, questioning his ability to fulfill God’s call. But God assured him, “I will be with you.” We, too, can feel unworthy or incapable of what God asks of us—whether in our family, workplace, or service in the Church. But God does not call the equipped; He equips the called. Like Moses, we are not sent alone; His presence goes before us. God is not distant or abstract but ever-present, unchanging, and faithful. Let us trust in His presence when we feel inadequate. Like Moses, we may not feel ready, but God is with us.

Questions for self-reflection:

  1. Do we truly trust in the unshakable presence of God in our struggles, uncertainties, and doubts?
  2. Do I take time to recognize God’s presence in my daily life?
  3. How can I be more attentive to God speaking through people, situations, or moments of silence?

Prayer based on Psalm 103

Heavenly Father, I praise You with all my heart, for You are kind and merciful. You forgive my sins, heal my wounds, and lift me from despair. Your love surrounds me like a shield, and Your grace renews my strength.

Lord, You are just and compassionate, defending the weak and showing patience to the sinner. Your mercy is greater than the heavens, reaching all who trust in You. Teach me to walk in Your ways, to remember Your goodness, and to share Your love with others. May my soul never forget Your blessings, and may my life be a reflection of Your boundless love. I make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ

March 21, 2025

Friday, March 14, 2025

Transfigured in Christ: A Journey of Authentic Discipleship

02 Sunday of Lent: March 16, 2025

Readings: Genesis 15:5–12, 17–18; Psalm 27:1, 7–9, 13–14; Philippians 3:17–4:1; Luke 9:28–36

Deep and poignant experiences leave an indelible mark in life. They make us who we are, reveal our identity and the purpose of our lives, and are defining moments that clear the path of the future. No one can steal such experiences from our lives. They add value to our lives and are pathways to the future. We feel such experiences are very essential. They broaden our horizons and look for a future with hope. Jesus had a similar experience with his disciples during the transfiguration on Mount Tabor. The whole episode changed the perspectives of Jesus and his three disciples forever. They were never the same again. It captivated their attention and made them clear the role of their master Jesus in their lives. This Sunday's liturgical readings help us live this Lent with utmost faith, hope and charity.

1. Climbing the Mountain: Seeking God's Presence
The Gospel for this Sunday Luke 9:28–36 invites us to contemplate the Transfiguration of Jesus—a moment of divine revelation that strengthens the disciples for the journey ahead. As we reflect on this very fascinating passage, it invites us to recognize that authentic Christian discipleship requires us to be transformed in Christ, listening to Him, and courageously following Him through both moments of glory and the path of the Cross. Therefore, we must have passion for God and the determination to follow him only then we can fulfil the ambition of God for us.

Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up the mountain to pray. Throughout Scripture, mountains symbolize encounters with God—places of transformation and revelation. Discipleship calls us to "climb" spiritually, making space for prayer, silence, and communion with God. In our busy lives, do we intentionally set aside time for prayer? Do we allow ourselves to be drawn into God’s presence, seeking His guidance for our journey?

2. Seeing His Glory: Transformed by Christ
On the mountain, Jesus’ face shines, and His clothes become dazzling white. This is not a change from the outside, but a revelation of who He truly is. Authentic discipleship means allowing Christ to transform us from within—to be people who radiate His love, compassion, and truth. The outside manifestations are the result of inside transformations. 

Lent is a time for interior renewal. It is a moment to seek new direction in our life. It is to find greater purpose in life. Are we letting Christ’s light shape our thoughts, actions, and desires? What areas of our lives need to be purified so that we may reflect His glory more clearly? When Christ enters into our lives, he brings changes within us. 

3. Descending the Mountain: Mission in the World
The disciples wanted to remain in the moment of glory—“Let us build three tents”—but Jesus leads them back down. Christian discipleship is not about staying in comfort but carrying the light of Christ into the struggles of the world. The Transfiguration prepared them to later face the agony of Gethsemane.

How does our encounter with Christ strengthen us for our mission? How do we bring His love into our families, workplaces, and society?  The essence of discipleship is not just admiration of Christ but obedience to His voice. It is easy to follow Jesus in moments of joy, but will we listen to Him when the path is difficult, when the Cross is near? Lent as a Journey of Transformation reminds us that our own transformation is a journey, not a one-time event. This Lent, we are called to: 
  • Climb the mountain—seek God in prayer.
  • Be transformed—allow His light to change us.
  • Listen to Him—follow Christ in obedience.
  • Descend the mountain—live our faith in the world.
May this season of Lent lead us to a deeper encounter with Jesus, so that we may truly reflect His glory in our daily lives.

Prayer based on Psalm 27
Loving and faithful God, You are my light and my salvation—there is nothing I shall fear. When darkness surrounds me, You are my refuge; when my heart is troubled, You are my peace. Hear me, Lord, as I lift my voice to You. In my moments of weakness, remind me that You are always near.

O God, my heart longs for You, my soul thirsts for Your presence. Teach me to trust in Your goodness even when the path is uncertain. Strengthen me to wait upon You with faith, knowing that Your love never fails. Grant me courage to walk in Your ways, patience to trust in Your timing, and a heart that seeks You above all things. I make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
March 14, 2025

Friday, March 7, 2025

More Than Bread: Encountering God in Our Weakness

First Sunday of Lent 2025: March 09, 2025

Readings: Deuteronomy 26:4–10; Psalm 91:1–2, 10–15; Romans 10:8–13; Luke 4:1–13

Who does not get tempted? Our human nature is such that we cannot be perfect. Vulnerability, finiteness, limitedness, and mortality are part of our lives. Our human nature craves for things more than it is necessary to satisfy one's basic needs. Our desires are unlimited and uncontainable. There is no end for dissatisfaction. Rarely, we might utter, it's enough. More the merrier is the only thing that drives us. In this context, we have very fascinating readings from the Bible, which are nothing but a contradiction to who we are. Jesus is indeed our model in this scenario to discern not only our thoughts and feelings but also our desires. 

1. Victory over temptation is possible

The first Sunday of Lent places us at the threshold of the desert with Jesus, where He is led by the Spirit and tested by the devil as we read in Luke 4:1–13. This Gospel passage is not just an episode in Jesus’ life but a revelation of His identity and mission. It invites us to walk with Him into the wilderness of our own hearts, where we confront our struggles and rediscover the path to true life in God. Jesus, the Son of God, faces temptations that echo the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Where the first Adam failed by succumbing to the devil’s lies, Jesus—the new Adam—remains steadfast. The devil tempts Him with three things that still challenge us today: physical needs (bread), power (worldly kingdoms), and pride (testing God). Yet, Jesus resists, not through sheer willpower but through His deep trust in the Father.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Living in God’s Light: Building Relationships Rooted in Faith

08th Sunday in Ordinary Time: March 02, 2025

Readings: Sirach 27:4–7Psalm 92:2–3, 13–161 Corinthians 15:54–58Luke 6:39–45

Three things are very important in life to make it meaningful: Trust, mercy and forgiveness. Trust builds our relationships, mercy brings people together, and forgiveness creates peace among people.  This week we have been reading very poignant readings from the book of Sirach (wisdom literature of the Bible). What matters most in our life is living our earthly life in line with the precepts of God. It means allowing God to be God. Being born with limitedness and vulnerability, none of us are perfect. Especially when we live in families or religious communities, we need more and more power to make adjustments in order to build trust, mercy and forgiveness. The liturgical readings of this Sunday tell us that to be good means to be embraced by the compassion of our God.

1. Building our lives with God as true light
In this passage of Luke 6:39–45, Jesus speaks in parables, offering wisdom about guidance, self-awareness, and the fruitfulness of a good heart. His words challenge us to examine ourselves, to seek true wisdom, and to bear fruit that reflects God’s presence within us. "Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit?" (Luke 6:39).  Jesus warns against the danger of being led by those who lack true spiritual sight. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

A Call to Radical Love to Love Without Limits

07th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 23, 2025

Readings: 1 Samuel 26:27–912–1322–23Psalm 103:1–131 Corinthians 15:45–49Luke 6:27–38

On this 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are invited to reflect on the radical call of Christian discipleship: to love as God loves, to show mercy as He shows mercy, and to rise above our human instincts for retaliation or self-interest. Through the readings, we see David’s reverence for God’s anointed, St. Paul’s reminder of our heavenly calling in Christ, and Jesus’ challenging command to love our enemies and give without measure. These lessons call us to embody God’s kindness and mercy in a world often marked by division and strife. Let us open our hearts to this transformative message, striving to live as true children of the Most High.

1. Love Beyond Measure
The Gospel passage from Luke 6:27–38 is one of the most challenging yet profoundly transformative teachings of Jesus. It calls us to a radical way of life—one that reflects the boundless love and mercy of God. Jesus begins with an invitation that seems almost impossible: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." (Luke 6:27–28)

Friday, February 14, 2025

Walking with Christ: Living the Beatitudes in a Troubled World

06th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 16, 2025

Readings: Jeremiah 17:5–8Psalm 1:1–461 Corinthians 15:1216–20Luke 6:1720–26

In our world today, kindness often seems in short supply. Individuals have their own reasons to negate someone or feel jealousy about others. Often history is a repetition of mistakes. Looking around our world now, some 2000 years since Jesus came into the world, humanity continues to repeat past mistakes.  We seem to believe we can solve all problems if we just_____(fill in the blank).  People continue to face a multitude of tragedies and trauma. Very few are ready to accept defeat.  Many feel frustrated and exhausted, with nothing left to give. However it is time to sit down and rest, but not surrender or give up, and 2025 is the perfect year to renew and deepen our relationship with God. The liturgical readings of today are truly soothing balm to our hurts and wounds.

1. The Presence of Jesus in Our Midst

In Luke 6:1720–26, Jesus does not remain at the heights of the mountain; He comes down to be among the people. His ministry is not detached or distant, but close and personal. He stands on level ground, meeting the people where they are—amid their struggles, hopes, and pains. This reminds us that Christ is not a distant God but one who walks with us in our everyday lives. He comes to meet us in our joys and sorrows, in our strengths and weaknesses. He sees our suffering and declares that God's kingdom belongs to us. Those who seem to have the least by worldly standards may be the richest in faith and closest to God's heart.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

From Failure to Abundance: Trusting in God's Grace

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time: February 09, 2025

Readings: Isaiah 6:1–8Psalm 138:1–57–81 Corinthians 15:1–11Luke 5:1–11

What do we do when we are in distress? Complain or get angry or depressed, or point at others that this is because of someone else or say to oneself that I am good for nothing, feel embarrassed or feeling of low? Our distress can manifest in many ways. But if we have that positive outlook and strong willpower even any sort of failures could be turned into moments of learning and embark on a journey that might be different from what one must have embarked upon. The liturgical readings on this 5th Sunday of the year tell us that only in God we can find our perfect refuge. It is God who calls us. He will give everything in need even in times of distress or failure.  

1. The Call to Trust in God's Word

We have a beautiful incident that occurred in the Lake of Gennesaret Luke 5:1–11 where Jesus is sitting in the boat and teaching the crowd. What follows next is really fascinating. Jesus wants to go fishing with his disciples and the response of St Peter is of distress and failure. Peter and his companions had spent the entire night fishing but caught nothing. They were exhausted and discouraged. Now the words of Jesus strike not only Peter even the fish to fill the net. "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch," he obeyed despite his doubts. The result was an overwhelming abundance of fish in the net!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Embracing the Light: Christ’s Presentation and Our Mission in the World

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord: February 02, 2025

Readings: Malachi 3:1–4Psalm 24:78910Hebrews 2:14–18Luke 2:22–40

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, a moment in the life of Christ that bridges the Old and New Testaments, fulfilling the law and revealing the light of salvation to the world. It's a day when baby Jesus is presented in the Temple, forty days after birth. As the firstborn, he belonged to God.  This feast invites us to reflect on the profound mystery of Christ’s humility, the fulfillment of God’s promises, and the call to be bearers of His light in our world today. Let us delve into the readings of the day to uncover the significance of this feast and its relevance to our lives.

1. The Presentation of the Lord: A Meeting of Heaven and Earth

In the Gospel of  Luke 2:22–40, we witness Mary and Joseph bringing the infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord, as prescribed by the Law of Moses. This act of obedience underscores the humility of the Holy Family and their fidelity to God’s covenant. Yet, this moment is far more than a ritual; it is a divine encounter. Simeon, guided by the Holy Spirit, recognizes Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, the “light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel” (Luke 2:32). Anna, the prophetess, also gives thanks to God and speaks of the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.

Friday, January 24, 2025

From Conviction to Action: Embracing Christ’s Call

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: January 26, 2025

Readings: Nehemiah 8:2–610Psalms 19:8–10151 Corinthians 12:12–30Luke 1:1–44:14–21

What would be our life if we did not live with convictions, values, norms or systems that determine a particular way of being in this world? We are judged by who we are, what we speak and the way we act. This determines our life, our present and our future. Our social upbringing and pedagogical training that we receive in schools and colleges decide the kind of world that we want to create. Jesus begins his public ministry from his experiences as a practicing Jew. His upbringing makes him what really he is and is meant to be. He takes up the role of Messiah bringing salvation to those who need it and are ready to listen. The liturgical readings on this Sunday invite us to be part of Jesus' mission of bringing goodness to all the people of goodwill.

1. The Call to Trust in God’s Word

The passages from Luke’s Gospel invite us into a profound contemplation of God’s promise fulfilled through Jesus Christ. In Luke 1:1–4, the evangelist carefully sets the stage, emphasizing the reliability of his account and his intention to provide an orderly narrative of the life and ministry of Jesus. It is addressed to Theophilus, whose name means "lover of God," an earnest inquirer about Jesus