

Friday, March 2, 2018

Mortality is ever present before us

Existential questions leave us perplexed. Human mortality is one of them. Anxiety is part and condition of our existence. The question of mortality makes aware that we are just visitors or pilgrims in this world. Our life is short and uncertain. The time that we have passed is perhaps longer than what we have for the future. Strangely we do not know what comes next and when would be our last moment, last word, last meal or last conversation with our beloved. But one thing is certain that end comes and unfortunately none of us may delay or prevent it. When a person suffers for a long time with a disease which is chronic, and curable medicine is still far from being invented the thought of mortality becomes ever more active and forefront in front of the suffering. In such desperate situations one has to learn to live ones life to the fullest. If there is moment to laugh one has to laugh, if there is moment to weep at the pain or suffer you someone, one has to be ready to shed ones tears of comfort and suffocate. Nothing that should allow us to lose the moment of our life. Every moment becomes precious in such situations of our volatile life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We don't always get to know the reasons why we go through struggles in life. There is a bigger plan, and it is all in His hands. But it's very hard for anyone to accept challenges that comes in the form of sickness. Here what strikes me more is your inner strength to share the reality that none of us like to dare for. You are a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile. Mother Teresa says, I'm not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us,He will not ask," How many good things you have done in your life?" rather He will ask,"How much love did you put into what you did?" Yes, dear father, I could find in you the joy to accept the challenges that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. You are humble and gentle and neither praise nor disgrace will touch you. If God is there for us who will be against us. His compassion, they fail not. They are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23. Thank you for bringing awareness of the shortness of our lives that we live every moment as it's last minute to live on this earth. Dear Father, we may not have a medical degree but we do have friendship's healing touch. Hope each day finds you stronger and full of joy. Inspired.