Third Sunday of Easter: 18 April 2021
Mass Reading: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Psalm 4:2, 4, 7-8, 9; 1 John 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48
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Sion's Kirke Copenhagen - altar painting, Artist: Poul Steffensen (1866-1923) |
To listen to my audio reflections please click here
"Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures" (Luke 24:45). Perhaps these words of St Luke the Evangelist tell us concretely about Jesus and his disciples. The experiences of the apparition of Jesus leave the disciples not only strengthened in their faith in their master but also they see everything and that so far has happened in order to fulfil what is said in the scriptures. As true followers of the religion of Abraham, the disciples knew well about TaNaKh =Torah (Pentateuch), Nevi'im (prophets), and Ketuvim (writings). All the bits and pieces that they had experienced the earthly life of their Lord now they can weave it well and see how God has been working in their lives. Jesus' life and his action become very real to their eyes of faith and a life of hope. With this new encouragement and renewed spirit, they become witnesses of their Master's life and legacy to the ends of the universe.
1. Witness means ready to testify what is experienced
In our simple language to be a witness means to be present and testify the facts. The disciples of Jesus become the bold witness of his gospel. There is nothing that can deter them from giving witness after they experienced the Risen Jesus. They are exposed to the sufferings and hardships, trials and tribulations, yet their faith in the mission of the Lord is undiminished. In all these things their mind is open to the scripture and the Good News. The Gospel narrative of today continues to strengthen the disciples. One experience leads to another rich experience of the Risen Jesus and the disciples are being moulded to be strong in their convictions and belief. As the disciples feel strengthened by the experience of the disciples of Emmaus, the Risen Jesus makes his appearance to his friends once again casting away all the doubts if it all they had. Thus their doubts are cleared and spirit is raised. These experiences spring into action in proclaiming the gospel to the world.
Often in our lives, too, only one God experience is not sufficient. But we need more of such experiences or at least such recurrent experiences even though of low intensity but certainly they need in order to build upon our faith in Jesus. The multiple experiences of God in our lives are necessary just like running water in a stream to keep life around and to blossom. However, an effort is necessary to keep that stream running and never allow to go dry. I could ponder today in what ways I can further the experience of the Lord in spite of the situations and problems that I face every day of my life? What are the temptations that make me to enter into a world of self-sufficiency and self-complacency?
2. Doubt is not the answer to our call to witness
"But they [disciples] were startled and frightened and supposed that they saw a spirit" (Luke 24:27). Christ tells the disciples: “For a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have” (Luke 24:39). Jesus is able to understand the feeling of his disciples. Only a person who knows his own very well might be able to know the inner happenings and feelings. Jesus urges us to shake off the doubts in our hearts and recognise God living and dwelling in each of us. Probably, one of the problems in living our authentic Christian faith is being unsure about ourselves, being unaware of who we are, and what we are. We are threatened by our own inadequacies and unfaithfulness to what we are. Fear, doubt, laziness, reluctance, unnecessary anxiety, angst, low self-esteem, lack of discipline in life, a feeling of I am good for nothing, dwelling on a question like what others think about me, and so on often defeat us to do what God calls us to. The more I dwell upon myself, the less capable or weak in grace am going to be and a true witness of our Lord. If you have experienced Jesus and continue to build your life on the Risen Lord then there is nothing that can stop you from believing in Him who has called you to be a Christian, priest, nun or religious. A mature Christian is one who believes in Him whatever may come in one's way, corona or failure, chronic illness or financial difficulties.
Has the love of God reached perfection in you? Most of us would probably feel that this could never happen to us. That we’re just not good enough, we’ve got too many flaws and sins … or maybe even that it’s not the sort of thing we should even think about. But here is a reading where St John the Evangelist says it is possible for the love of God to reach perfection in us (I John 2:5)! Maybe there is something that blocks out that light, or causes it to fade. The promise of the Risen Lord should brighten our lives.
Questions for Reflections
1. All through Easter we stand in the light of the Resurrection after the long shadows of the Cross. Do you feel yourself bathed in that light? What moves within you when you ponder that the light of Christ is shining on you?
2. How am I living this Easter season? Am I too much worried about the Second wave of Corona pandemic in our country?
3. What might this look like being joyful witnesses in our world today? How are we to be witnesses?
Lord, I know that you are faithful over all things, even in the hard dark times of my life. Help me not back away from you in my time of grief. Help me instead to lean into you and trust you, even when I do not understand Your ways. Help me to see You in these harsh hard moments and to glorify You in my response.
Giver of hope, grant me the courage to bear your hope to those I encounter, and your children all over the world. May I bear witness and testify to your presence among us, and use our voices to bring about your kingdom on earth. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen
- Olvin Veigas, SJ
17 April 2021
Dear Olvin,
What a wonder your reflections are!
You are doing incredibly praiseworthy commendable job!
Every word in your reflections here are worth meditating and they are indeed a bundle of motivation including your earth shaking questions and down to earth prayer of simplicity and elegance. Thanks for remaining a source of inspiration to me.
Olvin, your reflections makes my heart burn with love for the Lord. Quite number of times I kept reading and sharing your reflections with others. Your Audio is well done and it's extremely inspiring.
Nice reflections father. It is so true...The more I dwell upon myself, the less capable and weak in grace I become. I have to keep making effort to be a mature Christian who will not be shaken come what may. And to keep spreading joy around and be a witness of the Lord.
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