13th Sunday in Ordinary Time: 27 June 2021
Readings: Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24; Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mark 5:21-24, 35-43
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Raising Jairus’s Daughter |
1. Breathing a new life in a world of fear
There are two phrases in today's Gospel Mark 5:21-24, 35-43 which sound like as if Jesus is addressing to each one of us. As we still grapple with the reality of uncertainty of tomorrow in the present context of Covid Pandemic, the words of Jesus must ripple in our ears again and again: Firstly, “do not be afraid; just have faith.” and secondly, “Get up!” – “Talitha kum!” The first one is addressed to the synagogue official and the second one to the little girl of twelve years old who had breathed her last. If the first one rekindles new hope in the life of a synagogue official then the second one breathes new life into what must have seemed like a hopeless situation - the death of a little child. Both the words and the action especially taking the hand of the child and infusing in her life in themselves are truly motivating factors in our today's context. In fact, the evangelist Mark is recounting an event that led the disciples to understand Jesus’ authority and power over even the final enemy, death.
2. Journeying with Jesus means walking in his footsteps
We have a beautiful message here. As Christians, we are called to proclaim Christ not only in words but also in deeds. Our actions must follow in the way Jesus performed miracles and works of mercy that brought hope in the lives of people. Jesus accompanies people by simply walking with the synagogue official and then holding the hand of the little child and bringing life back to her. Journeying with others and touching the other person in order to bring forth life become a hallmark in the way Jesus lived and worked in his public ministry in Palestine. Therefore our efforts in trying to do what Jesus did and imitating him in the way he lived must be our character today. It is to bring hope and life into every situation, incidence and place just like Jesus did in this passage of "raising the daughter of Jairus."
3. Facing the reality of this world with an energy of Jesus
Often we are threatened by the way the world is moving around and the people behaving in our society. As a result, we become persons who are lifeless and dumb, hopeless and helpless. In the face of world's troubles which are of course not new to us must enable us focus our attention on the person of Christ. The situation during the time of Jesus was not different, sickness, disease, epidemics, corruption, nepotism, theft, murders, wars, earthquakes, hailstorms, poverty, distress, death and destruction were prevalent. What Jesus did was to bring hope and love to the people who badly needed it. God is always present in our sufferings and shortcomings. Jesus also faced world's troubles. Who wouldn't face such troubles? We too are facing similar problems, and are perhaps better aware because of developments in scientific and communication sphere. Today we face global problems like climate change, world hunger, global poverty, human trafficking, modern forms of slavery, wars, structural social injustice and many more problems in our world. Perhaps it would be good to ask ourselves this question, "How could I change these things which seem to be out of my control?"
4. God frees us from the possession of death
"God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living" (Wis 1:13). "For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made him" (Wis 2:23). These words from the book of wisdom, open us to a new reality of our life in God. Only those who join the company of the devil experience death. So, when we choose God, we choose eternal life. When we turn away from God, we turn towards death.
Indeed, our God is a God of life, not death. Will the God who made us in his own image allow us to die eternally? Absolutely not. God, who formed us in His imperishable image will allow us to leave a life of eternity. God did not intend for us to die. Perhaps we may die through our natural physical death but there is still a life which is beyond our temperality. If we believe in Him, even though we die, we will live. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies (John 11:25). This is our Christian truth. St Paul wrote that God through Jesus destroyed the last enemy of human person that is death (1 Corinthians 15:26). In fact, we all be raised from the dead along with all our loved ones who sleep in Christ (1 Corinthians 15:18).
5. Cultivating courage to "get up" and "go"
On this Sunday the good news for us is to cultivate a sense that I am in God's hand. A sense that makes us to believe in the words of Jesus to "Get up!" and "Go." And of course to start a life, which is filled with hope renewed and freshness of life breathed into my thoughts, actions and intentions. This would certainly help to bring common good, justice and truth in our surroundings and in the world. We are called to have the same faith as the parents of that little child in the Gospel today—praying for our loved ones, trusting in Jesus’ promise. Because even death cannot keep us apart. In spite of those around them laughing and ridiculing at Jesus the parents of that little girl walk with Jesus and see their daughter is no more dead but have only fallen asleep (1 Thessalonians 4:13–18). Although a lot of things have changed over this last year, the power of Jesus’s touch has not changed. However, as a Christian, I must trust Jesus as the source of life and healing. Thus I may have healing, health, wholeness, and holiness.
Let us pray today to Jesus for healing which will give us health in every aspect of our lives, and not just in our bodies. The realisation of full health is to become a whole person, where every part of me – spiritual, intellectual, social, psychological and physiological – must function in perfect harmony within itself, with people around, and with the environment. Only then can we have health, wholeness and holiness.
Questions for our reflections:1. As I am reflecting over the question of life and death, what are my sorrows and pains that I am carrying?2. What are those things that are hurting or troubling me as I still try to make sense of this Corona pandemic?3. Let me put it in my mind and heart that as a believer of eternal life and eternal God, right here I believe that God is present – a God of mercy, of compassion and love. Perhaps I might like to pour out all my problems, place those troubles and place myself in God’s loving hands, thus allowing myself to be led by His Spirit.4. Can I recall at this moment any episode of unbelievably fascinating healing experience that I experienced or heard during these times? Thank God for this God's wondrous love for me.
- Olvin Veigas, SJ
25 June 2021
Very motivational reflections! I'm so impressed! Thanks for giving such a nice and valuable information from this reflections. I'm extremely grateful to you Olvin.
What else is so amazing and heart-touching than this beautiful phrase- "facing the reality of this world with an energy of Jesus".
This message comes at the right time as I try to face and discover HIM in my daily reality
Thank you so much for the reflective homily for tomorrow's reading. The questions are very much appealing to retrospect myself.
Beautiful reflections for personal prayer and the concluding prayer is very touching. Thank you Fr.
Really really amazing and inspiring reflections! Great message Olvin! Bundle of thanks for sharing this soul wrenching thoughts.
Dear Fr. Olvin S J. Thank you very much for sharing very meaningful reflections. Audio is very crystal clear. God bless you with very good health. May your spiritual ministry inspire many more people to experience God's love in our daily life.
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