33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: November 14, 2021
Readings: Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16:5,8-11; Hebrews 10:11-14,18; Mark 13:24-32
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Jesus predicting the end times! |
In recent years, weather conditions are becoming seemingly unpredictable. The farmers are at loss with the irrational changing seasons, resulting in being unable to sow or reap in time with the traditional timeframe. Bad unpredictability is not a good sign for those who plan for the future. However, we do like to think about the future with certain clarity and focus. The liturgical readings of this Sunday are full of predictions and talking about the future. Both Prophet Daniel and the Son of God Jesus explicitly speak about a future where everyone is invited to be part of God’s plan.
1. Predicting God’s plan for the humanity
The words of Jesus are very strong. Jesus says: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” (Mark 13:31). Jesus is predicting a future that is full of hope for those who are ready to embrace it. Hence the urgent need is to prepare for it by actively engaging in the present with the eyes fixed towards the future. The present determines the future. The importance to the present is attached as much as the future. For God time is important. Everything has a meaning and purpose in the eyes of God. Nothing should go wasted or unused. Because our God is a God of abundance and ready to embrace. He accepts us when we become part of God’s life. That’s why the words of Jesus are important. God’s promises are everlasting and eternal. Promises are kept. They do not pass away without being fulfilled. All the more God is a promise and fulfilment.
Jesus' apocalyptic language describes the end times which could be seen in the creation namely, “the sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness…” (Mark 13: 24-25). The end times will bring about signs of disorder and it would be a warning to us to prepare ourselves and change our lives. The growing threat of disorder in the creation that we have been witnessing so rapidly in the last few years like flash floods, storms, hurricanes, heatwaves, rise in sea levels, melting of ice in north pole, desertification, decreasing biodiversity and even covid pandemic itself are linked to overconsumption, excessive burning of fossil fuels, pollution, deforestation and so forth. Unless and until we bring changes in our lives and lifestyle, even God need not work out an end time, we ourselves would bring upon ourselves a disaster which no one could alter it. Therefore, we need to build up the right relationship with God, our neighbour and indeed all creation. Hence, better to make a change now before it is too late.
2. Cosmic signs say about the power of the Eternal
What we can understand from the Word of God is that God does not allow us to live either in confusion or uncertainty. Often the confusion and uncertainty that we go through are our own making. It is because of our lack of trust in the certainty of God. We are lost because of our unreadiness and unwillingness to accept who we are. Quite often we tend to imitate others or put in our head a very low self-image or a feeling like 'I’m good for nothing,' 'people don’t love me or appreciate me' or even very low self-esteem and low image of one’s body. Actually, people do not think about you at all including the question of how I look! Our interior self often feels like a battleground. Deep inside of oneself, there are invisible forces at war with one another. When God chose us, He chose us for eternity. He chose us to realise His dream for us. We are all pervaded by God’s presence. Thomas Merton, the American Trappist monk and mystic says “…The real hope, then, is not in something we think we can do, but in God who is making something good out of it in some way we cannot see.” Therefore the cosmic changes that we see in nature, time to time, are a sign that God is overseeing and guiding the creation. Every change that is brought forth in creation is a continual, moreover, eternal and everlasting presence of God.
God's creation continues to go through evolution and sees changes. Since the beginning of God's creation, magnificent changes have occurred on the face of the universe. We are all part and witnesses of this change. Jesus also describes a day when there would be the dissolution of God's creation, in other words, a "devolution" of the world to its original state of formlessness and void. Chapter 13 of Marks' Gospel is a bit freighting. First, he says human community—nations and kingdoms—will break down (Mark 13:7–8). Second, the earth will stop yielding food and begin to shake apart (13:8). Third, the family will be torn apart from within and the last faithful individuals will be persecuted (13:9–13). Finally, the Temple will be desecrated, the earth emptied of God’s presence (13:14).
3. God's desire for humanity continues with solidarity
Prophet Daniel speaks elegantly about the person who walks in the footsteps of God. He says,
“But the wise shall shine brightly
like the splendour of the firmament,
and those who lead the many to justice
shall be like the stars forever." (Daniel 12:3)
Creator God wants us to be active in the world doing His Will. He wants us to be partners in building His Reign here on earth. In fact, to fulfill His wish amongst us He has given wisdom, knowledge and power. "Yet you have made them a little lower than God, and crowned them with glory and honour" extols Psalm 8:5. Only a person who listens to God and His precepts is wise. The wise people have place in the reign of God because they listen to the promptings of the Spirit of God. Those who live in righteousness and humility will be like the stars. Fascinatingly those are the people who contribute immensely to the upliftment of humanity.
Finally, one point that drives home very strongly is that we are led to a place where there is true salvation, which can be wrought only by the Cross. With all the tribulations and struggles, failures and frustrations we are all wrapped with the mercy of God. Just as we experienced mercy at the crucifixion of our Lord, even in our daily crosses, God continues to fill us with the graces that are needed for us to rejuvenate from the toils and tussles of life. As the psalm boldly says,
"You are my inheritance, O Lord!Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices,my body, too, abides in confidence;because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld,nor will you suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption. (Psalm16:9-10)
Can we feel this sense of joy in the inheritance God makes available to us? If not, how can we come to know it or, if we’ve lost it, recapture it? In fact, sometimes it is a question rather than an answer that we need to sit with and pray with. I pray we may all come to know this joy through a personal encounter with Jesus in his infinite love. May His name be praised.
Questions for Reflections
1. What is your reaction when unpredictable things happen in your life?
2. Whom do you look for in times of unpredictable things, which have disastrous consequences on your life or family or community?
3. When is the last time you felt that God is at your side encouraging and guiding you?
Gracious and loving God, I thank you for this day. I thank you that I can see or hear your Word. Let me give thanks all day for what I have, especially your eternal love, and forgive me this day when I go astray, by my thoughts or actions; my only aim is to please you, to know and do your will.
Guide O God, my every step. Help me to live this day with wisdom and discretion so that I may not fall short of your glory. Protect me from danger, both in the world and in my attitude. Give me the gift of a clear mind, that I might hear the quiet voice of your Spirit. Teach me to appreciate unchanging treasures: the wealth of your compassion, the grandeur of your wisdom, and the richness of reconciliation. We make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.
- Olvin Veigas, SJ
12 October 2021
Amazing content dear Olvin! Beautiful wordings that is extremely motivating... Feel blessed to have your thought provoking reflections on every week... Awaiting eagerly for the same every day... Love the insights in this reflections. My humble heartfelt gratitude to you for all that you are being to me... Stay blessed always!
Very interesting theme and energizing and inspiring reflections Father... Thank you very much for your concern and care for your avid readers of your blog... I'm grateful to you Father.
Insightful reflections it is Fr. Olvin!
It helped me to reread the signs of the time keeping in mind that the creatures are under the purview of the creator, while not forgetting that we contribute in the creation. Thanks for the reminder that we are all wrapped with the mercy of God.
Everytime you help us through your reflections to dispose ourselves to our Abba Father. May you be blessed richly.
Thanks for your touching insights, Father. It's true, human beings need to live in solidarity with God's desire and God's creation. Our experiences through this pandemic boost our need to build up the right relationship with God, our neighbor and all creation. Indeed, we can learn to practice this lesson for our whole lives because there is a long distance between understanding and practising. Thanks again. May God bless you and your beautiful ministries
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