

Friday, July 1, 2022

Rejoice Because Your Names are Written in Heaven

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 03, 2022

Readings: Isaiah 66:10-14Psalm 66:1-7, 16, 20Galatians 6:14-18Luke 10:1-12, 17-20

(Jesus sends his disciples on a mission of preaching and healing)
To listen to my audio-video reflections via YouTube, please click on this link: 
We are on the threshold of the new academic year. A good number of our schools and colleges have already started their classes whereas others are still waiting for the results and the colleges are yet to open. For many, it's a time of new beginning while for others it's a time of waiting with anxiety and fear. Liturgically, we are in the ordinary time of the year where the readings from the Bible strengthen our faith journey with beautiful and apt readings. Many a time we may think that all the good things that happen in our lives are because of our striving and ability to perform. Probably it might be so. Yet, we must recognize this first that there is over pervading power of our Creator who gives us energy and strength to make every day a success story. 

1. Nothing will harm you
The gospel reading of today from St Luke (10:1-12, 17-20) illustrates a beautiful episode from the lives of 72 disciples that Jesus had chosen to carry forward his mission. They are sent on a mission of preaching and healing all those people whom they encounter on their way. The disciples are given special instructions on how to work out their missionary requisite and itinerary. Surprisingly they perform overwhelmingly and the disciples cannot believe in themselves that they could do so much because of the name of Jesus: "Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name" (Luke 10:17). The fruit of their labour is tremendous and so joyful that they are ready for anything.
Looking at the resilience and daring spirit of the disciples, Jesus encourages them. He says: "Behold, I have given you the power to 'tread upon serpents' and  scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will harm you" (Luke 10:19). Aren't these so beautiful encouraging words of Jesus to those who obey and follow him, moreover preach, teach and heal like him? Jesus simply gives, strengthens and fills us with plenty when we do what he did; when we follow what he preached; when we surrender as he surrendered. The power of Jesus is so supreme and mighty that he wills and gives everything to his disciples. Nothing will harm us when we authentically follow, surrender and do what he did. Nothing will harm us as we make our way through the wilderness of this world, awaiting the Master of the harvest, awaiting the day when all on earth will shout joyfully to the Lord and sing praise to the glory of His name.

2. Rejoice Because Your Names are Written in Heaven
While Jesus endorses the spirit and enthusiasm of his disciples, he warns them not to be carried away by the appreciation that they received from people. He tells them not to rejoice with the passing things of this world - "do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you," (Luke 10:20) - instead he says to them rejoice in greater things that are in store for you. The encouraging words of Jesus might have taken aback even the disciples themselves when he says: "Rejoice because your names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20). Every person who devotes himself or herself will earn his or her crown of glory. God never forgets the work that we do for his Kingdom of justice, peace, liberty and truth. For he bestows upon us blessings of peace and mercy on each one of us.

The assurance of Jesus that he is always with those who follow him are absolutely strengthening. We are counted in heaven. Probably, it is difficult to integrate and correlate it with the things that are happening in the world, especially in the face of unbridled corruption, unending hypocrisy, nepotism and uncouth behaviour of our politicians, selfish wars and nonsensical hoarding of economic wealth in the hands of few. This list is endless yet we can see the face of Jesus because he was able to overcome all the drudgery of life and was able to teach his disciple to think beyond and in fact out of the box. That is why his disciples could perform, moreover, outperformed in spite of their littleness and poor intelligence. In fact, in the words of John Henry Newman “God has created me to do Him some definite service.” That is the mission of each one of us and we have to find that definite service.

3. Bearing the marks of Jesus on our bodies
The vision of Jesus to his disciples is very clear and straightforward. It is his wish that everyone is saved. Therefore, the disciples are involved fully in this work of salvation. To do so, in the words of St Paul, each one of us bears the marks of Jesus on our bodies. It might not be physical marks or those marks which can be symbolized with ink instead we are marking our bodies with the holiness of our Lord. He has made us holy and pure through our baptism and Eucharist. Every time when we receive our Lord in the Sacrament of the Eucharist we are renewed and strengthened by the mark of Jesus. We carry him in our lives and every part of our body becomes a dwelling place of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the Church, we are offered peace and mercy, protection and nourishment beyond the confinement of the narrow mentality of this world. That is the beauty and specialty of having Jesus in our lives.

Today’s liturgical readings lead us to passionately live a life that courageously points others to Him. Jesus invites us to be part of his company. He says “the harvest is abundant, but the labourers are few” (Luke 10:2). Jesus promises his disciples that they would be “clothed with power from on high” and that surely, He will be with them always to the very end of the age. For God is in complete control of us. He has given us a noble and promising commission.  No matter the challenges and obstacles, frantic stress, burnout and pressure found in each of our lives, as labourers for God, we have a job to do - to proclaim the good news and the fact that the kingdom of God is indeed at hand.  We must urgently pursue this directive with unquenchable power from our almighty God!

Questions for reflections:
  1. What does it mean to you to follow Jesus wholeheartedly?
  2. How do you react to Jesus's teaching regarding the cost of discipleship?
Gracious and loving God, we may always bear the marks of Jesus on our bodies. Let no serpent or scorpions around us harm us. The forces of the enemy be made powerless. Let us have a sense of courage and faith that our names are written in heaven always so that all those anxiety and fears of evil spirits of this world do not distract us from the goals that are set before us. May the kindness of our God be upon us always to walk in the steadfast love of our Master.  
    Dear Heavenly Father, help us never to forget the commission given to each of us to live our lives as you have ordained. Grant, we pray, that we may become more like you in the humble service of our brothers and sisters and be an encouragement to other labourers in the field.  We make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
July 01, 2022


Joilin said...

I'm grateful for such a beautiful and thought provoking reflections! Every word from your reflections is full of deep insights. Thanks for the beautiful gift for this week.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this good insights. Proclaiming the good news is an urgent and important task that urges us to fullfil no matter what and how chalenging or pressure it is.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, my sincerest compliment for the good and Holy work you do, inspiring God's own people and helping us to be better reflective and savour His life-giving Word.
As expected the reflection is enriching and as I was meditatively reading it, a soothing message striked me- that the Lord rejoices with us evenmore when we do His will and He multiplies the fruit of our labour.
I wish and pray that all of us never lose sight of Him at any moment. I used to think that having put our hand on His plough, He is our focus, and nothing more joyous and greater than knowing that our names are written in heaven

Anonymous said...

Thank you Fr for the deep, insightful reflections.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful reflection