

Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Risen Christ - A New Gateway to Salvation

The Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Sunday: April 09, 2023

Readings: Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43Colossians 3:1-4John 20:1-9

"Christ is Risen, indeed, Alleluia!" Today, we celebrate our Lord's resurrection from death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a central tenet of the Christian faith, and it refers to the foundational Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion. On the third day after his death, some of Jesus' female disciples went to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away, and the tomb was empty. According to the Gospels, Jesus appeared to his disciples in various forms over a period of 40 days, and he eventually ascended into heaven.  In its historical context, the resurrection of Jesus represents the ultimate victory of life over death, good over evil, and light over darkness. It is a message of God's power and love, which was demonstrated through the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ.

1. Resurrection - a victory over the power of death

The resurrection of Jesus is a sign of his divinity and power over death. It is viewed as proof of his claims to be the Son of God and the Savior of the world. The resurrection is also seen as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. The resurrection of Jesus has been a subject of debate and scrutiny for centuries, with skeptics questioning the reliability of biblical accounts and offering alternative explanations for the events surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection. However, for us Christians, the resurrection remains a central and essential aspect of our faith.

According to the Gospels in the Bible, Jesus was crucified by the Roman authorities under the charge of blasphemy and sedition. After his death, he was buried in a tomb, which was sealed with a large stone. The resurrection of Jesus is a powerful reminder that God is always at work in the world, even in the darkest of times. It shows us that even when we face seemingly insurmountable challenges or seemingly impossible situations, there is always hope. It reminds us that we are not alone, and that God is with us always, guiding us and helping us to overcome.

2. Resurrection - paves the way for the establishment of Church

The resurrection is also considered to be a foundational event for the establishment of the Christian Church. The disciples of Jesus, who were initially devastated by his death, were emboldened by his resurrection and went on to spread the message of Christianity throughout the world.  At the spiritual level, the message of the resurrection is even more profound. It represents a fundamental shift in the relationship between humanity and God. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God offers a way for people to be reconciled with Him, to be forgiven of their sins, and to be transformed by His love and grace.

3. Resurrection - Many explanations but one truth

The resurrection has been interpreted in different ways by different Christian denominations and theologians. Some view it as a literal, physical event, while others see it as a spiritual or metaphorical occurrence. Some skeptics and scholars have offered alternative explanations for the empty tomb and the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. These include the possibility of a stolen body, hallucinations, or deliberate fabrication on the part of the early Christian community.

The resurrection of Jesus has also been compared to other myths and legends of dying and rising gods throughout history, leading some to question its uniqueness and historical accuracy. Despite these debates and controversies, the resurrection of Jesus remains a central article of faith for Christians around the world, representing a belief in the power of God to overcome death and bring new life. The apparition narratives that are recorded in the Gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles are the sure signs of one truth that Jesus really resurrected from the dead.

The resurrection of Jesus remains highly relevant to Christians today for several reasons:

a. It affirms the Christian belief in eternal life: The resurrection of Jesus is seen as proof that death is not the end, and that believers in Christ will also experience resurrection and eternal life. This hope is a source of comfort and reassurance for Christians, particularly in times of loss and grief. In fact, the resurrection of Jesus is a foundational belief for Christians, providing hope, inspiration, unity, forgiveness,  and purpose in life and guidance for their lives and faith. It reminds us of the power and love of God, and it offers a path to eternal life and salvation. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a powerful and relevant event for Christians today.

b. It provides a basis for Christian faith and identity: The resurrection of Jesus is a key element of Christian doctrine and theology, and it serves as the foundation for Christian beliefs about salvation, sin, and redemption. For a Christian, the resurrection is a defining aspect of one’s faith and  one’s identity as follower of Christ. Easter Sunday is also a time to reflect on the power of hope. The resurrection of Jesus gives us hope that even in the darkest of times, there is light and life on the other side. It reminds us that no matter what struggles we face in this life, we can always have hope in the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

c. It inspires Christian mission and outreach: The resurrection of Jesus is often seen as a call to share the good news of salvation and eternal life with others. The resurrection demonstrates the power and love of God, and that sharing this message with others is an important part of their mission.

d. It offers a model for Christian living: The resurrection of Jesus is seen as a model for how Christians should live their lives. The selflessness, compassion, and love demonstrated by Jesus during his life and ministry are seen as qualities that Christians should strive to emulate in their own lives. The message of the resurrection is also a call to action. It challenges us to live lives that are transformed by God's love and grace, and to share that love with others. It encourages us to be agents of healing and reconciliation in a world that is often broken and divided.

e. It reminds us of the importance of forgiveness: The resurrection of Jesus is a powerful symbol of God's forgiveness and mercy towards humanity. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God has made a way for us to be forgiven of our sins and reconciled to Him. This serves as a reminder that we are called to extend forgiveness and grace to others as well.

f. It inspires hope in the face of suffering and adversity: The resurrection of Jesus is a message of hope and victory over suffering and death. Indeed, Jesus overcame death, thus we too the followers of Jesus can have hope in the face of difficult circumstances and challenges in life. It offers hope and redemption to all who believe. It calls us to live lives that are transformed by God's love and grace, and to share that love with others, bringing healing and reconciliation to a world in need.

g. It encourages unity and community: The resurrection of Jesus is a unifying event for Christians around the world. It is a reminder that they are part of a larger community of believers who share a common faith and hope. This must encourage Christians to work towards unity and reconciliation with others, both within and outside of their faith community.

h. It challenges us to live with purpose and meaning: The resurrection of Jesus enkindles Christians that their lives have a greater purpose and meaning beyond their individual desires and ambitions. It must challenge us to live with purpose, to love and serve others, and to make a positive impact in the world.

Ultimately, Easter Sunday is a time to reflect on the incredible love of God and the transformative power of faith in Jesus Christ. It is a time to remember and rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of the Christian faith. The incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us is purely an act of love and selflessness and a powerful reminder of God's grace and mercy, which we can all receive through faith in Jesus Christ. 

We are all people of the resurrection. Trusting in the Risen Lord, we can believe in the strength and support that comes from being part of a larger faith community. We are reminded of the power of love, compassion, and unity, which can transcend all boundaries and bring people together in a shared sense of purpose and hope. Let us be grateful for being called to be Christians today. Thus we may share this joy with a deep sense of gratitude, and hope, and may we be inspired to share the message of God's love and grace with all those around us.


Dear God, On this blessed Easter Sunday, we come before you with grateful hearts, rejoicing in the resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ. We thank you for the gift of eternal life that he has given us through his death and resurrection. May we always remember the sacrifice he made for us and strive to live our lives in a way that honors him.

As we celebrate this holy day, may we also remember those who are suffering and in need of your love and mercy. May we extend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate and show them the same compassion and kindness that Jesus showed to all he encountered. We ask that you bless us with your grace and guide us in all that we do. May we always remember the true meaning of Easter and share the message of hope and redemption with others. In Jesus' Holy Name we pray, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ

01 April 2023


Anonymous said...

Yes, we are reminded of the power of love, compassion, and unity, which can transcend all boundaries and bring people together in a shared sense of purpose and hope. Wonderful reflection. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Thanks a million dear Fr. Olvin for such an edyfying reflections on this most important day of Resurrection of our beloved saviour Jesus Christ. Your thought provoking message makes to be immersed in adoration hours together. I'm ever grateful to you for everything. Best wishes and greetings of Jouyous Easter from Joilin. Hope you are keeping me in your valuable prayers.