

Friday, May 12, 2023

Sharing Our Faith in an Age of Absurdity

6th Sunday of Easter: May 14, 2023

Readings: Acts 8:5–814–17Psalm 66:1–716201 Peter 3:15–18John 14:15–21

Perhaps we are living in an important and very particular time of human existence. It is not just an age of reason but an age of absurdity and chaos in the midst of digital and directionless mass (social) media communications. For the last few months, we have been taken over by the popularity of Artificial Intelligence and its concrete fruit Open AI and ChatGPT. We have been adding new kinds of knowledge to our basket from time to time. Whenever something new comes to the market there are two kinds of reactions: For and against. So the use of Artificial Intelligence by a common man in the form of Chat GPT seems to have made many worry especially those who run corporations and business houses. In the guise of saving their future and relevance, they are casting doubts of their usefulness and danger, while the common is looking for something good from the new knowledge that is almost freely available. The Sixth Sunday of Easter points out through its liturgical readings that we are called to give hope through our reason to those who ask questions or intimidate us giving us all sorts of false prophesies.

1. Defending our faith with gentleness and respect. 

We begin today's reflections starting with St Peter's First Letter.  1 Peter 3:15–18 are the most quoted verses while studying fundamental Christian theology. "Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear" (1 Peter 3:15). St Peter in these verses encourages believers to always be ready to give a defense of their faith with gentleness and respect, even in the face of persecution. Since the time of Jesus, we see, that faith is not a private matter but something that we should be willing to share with others. All through his life, Jesus did every preaching, healing, and teaching in public, even the very personal and momentous moments like his Baptism and the Mount Tabor experience. 

As we strive to follow Christ's example, we may encounter opposition and even persecution from those who do not share our beliefs. However, we must remember that we are not alone in our struggles. Christ himself suffered for our sins, and in doing so, he showed us the ultimate example of love and sacrifice. When we face challenges in our spiritual journey, we can take comfort in knowing that Christ understands our struggles and is always with us. We can also draw strength from the support of our fellow believers, who can offer us encouragement and guidance along the way. By living our lives in accordance with our beliefs, we can be a powerful witness to those around us, showing them the transformative power of Christ's love and the hope that it brings.

2. The Importance of Relationship and Obedience in the Gospel of John

The Gospel of St John gives a lot of importance to the idea of a elationship between himself, his Father and his followers. Just look at this verse where Jesus speaks to his disciples: "I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live...I am in my Father and you in me and I in you" (John 14:18–20). Our God is not some distant God: God is very close, within us. Jesus promises his disciples that the Holy Spirit will come to them after he has gone, and that they will experience a deeper, more intimate relationship with God as a result.

The relationship that Jesus speaks about entails obedience to God's commands and the commandment of love. This means that our love for God is demonstrated not just by our words, but by our actions. When we obey God's commands, we show that we are willing to trust him and follow his plan for our lives. To enable us in our striving towards the path of God, Jesus promises us the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead us to the truth. In fact, we are not alone in our spiritual journey, but that God is with us, empowering and guiding us every step of the way. When we open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit, we are able to experience God's presence in a more profound way and to discern his will for our lives.

In general, the liturgical readings of this Sunday invite us to fix our problems of today through prayer and contemplation. To make any decision in life either business or ethical, we need space in order to become more aware of the divine presence within us. Only then we can better discern the will of God in and for our lives. To live in a lonelier, valueless, and hedonistic world of today, we must focus our energies on those things which give us more meaning and true peace. Only through the power of God and our intimate connection with that reality, we can be empowered and transformed by the God within. 

A few questions for self-reflection: 

  1. Am I always prepared to explain the reason for my hope in Christ, and am I doing so with gentleness and respect?
  2. Am I open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and am I allowing God to lead me in my spiritual journey?
  3. How can I deepen my relationship with God and experience His presence in a more profound way?
  4. How can I make myself more receptive to new knowledge, and not fall prey to fear and misinformation about emerging technologies like AI?
  5. How can I make my life a source of hope to those who are searching for direction and meaning in a world of chaos and confusion?

Prayer based on Psalm 66

Dear God, We come before you today with hearts full of gratitude and praise. We sing joyful hymns to you, proclaiming your mighty works and declaring your glory to all the earth. You have done great things for us, and we are filled with wonder and awe. You have brought us through difficult times and guided us on our journey. You have shown us your love and faithfulness, and we are humbled by your grace. We lift our voices in thanksgiving and worship, knowing that you are the God who hears our prayers and answers them with compassion and mercy.

May our lives be a testimony to your goodness, and may we continue to trust in you and follow your ways. In Jesus' Holy Name, we pray, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ

May 12, 2023


Anonymous said...

Hearty congrats father for explaining each and every thing the best way you can and enriching my spiritual life.
And also you are explaining well about how to live our life meaningfully with our believe system. May God continue to bless you more and more 🙏😊

Anonymous said...

Thank you fr.Olvin
You have well explained the word of God to the present context of time. Need courage to encounter our faith.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Olvin thank you for the powerful message of hope. It reminds me of God 's presence always, specially in moments of hopelessness and pain provided I pay heed to his loving voice in prayer and reflection.
May God bless you for this wonderful work of touching lives through God's word.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your fruitful and up-to-date sharing. I should make my life a source of hope to those who are searching for direction and meaning in a world of chaos and confusion.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful thoughts about Ascension. A Challenge to make known Christ to the People. Thank You Fr.Olvin For enriching us.