Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord: August 06, 2023
Readings: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Matthew 17:1-9
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(The Transfiguration by Raphael, c. 1520) |
To listen to my audio-video reflections via YouTube, please click here: https://youtu.be/dupDhxqFEWA
In every day of our lives, we do not bother to give much attention to minute details. The days and weeks pass by without much of our attention. However, there are sometimes unexpected moments that occur at a particular time and particular place. They will be defining moments in one's life. Three of Jesus' disciples experienced such tremendous moments which left an indelible mark in their lives. On this feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the liturgical readings invite us to look for such momentous and defining events in our life so that we can fall back on them and relive such transformative experiences.
1. The glory of God in the person of Jesus
Let us begin with Matthew 17:1-9 which describes a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus, known as the Transfiguration. This event takes place after Jesus had foretold His death and resurrection to His disciples. The context of this passage is essential to understand the significance of what happens on the mountaintop. The Transfiguration serves as a powerful confirmation of Jesus' identity as the Son of God and a preparation for the disciples to face the challenges that lie ahead. The Transfiguration is a mysterious and awe-inspiring event where Jesus takes three of His disciples, Peter, James, and John, up to a high mountain. There, His appearance changes, and He becomes radiant, with His face shining like the sun, and His clothes becoming as white as light. Moses and Elijah appear, representing the Law and the Prophets, talking with Jesus.
The presence of Moses and Elijah indicates the continuity of God's redemptive plan throughout history. The Law and the Prophets bear witness to Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises. Peter's response, wanting to build three shelters for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, reveals his misunderstanding of the situation. However, a voice from heaven declares, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased. Listen to him!" This divine affirmation solidifies Jesus' authority and confirms His divine identity. The Transfiguration highlights the Trinitarian nature of God. Jesus, the Son, is revealed in His divine glory, with the Father's voice affirming His beloved status, and the Holy Spirit guiding the events. The Transfiguration provides a glimpse of the glory and majesty of the Son of God, who is both fully divine and fully human.
2. Embracing Jesus in spirit and truth as the Glory of God
Moreover, the Transfiguration points to the future hope of believers. The radiance of Jesus' appearance foreshadows the glory that awaits those who are in Christ, as they will be transformed and share in His divine nature. The Transfiguration serves as a spiritual lesson for believers. It reminds us of Jesus' true identity as the Son of God and calls us to listen and follow Him faithfully. We, too, may have moments of spiritual clarity and insight when we encounter Christ in a profound way. These experiences strengthen our faith and equip us to face the challenges and difficulties of life.
Furthermore, the presence of Moses and Elijah on the mountain reminds us that God's faithfulness endures through the ages. Just as He fulfilled His promises in the past, we can trust that He will fulfill His promises for the future. The voice from heaven urges us to listen to Jesus. This is a call to obedience and submission to His teachings and lordship. As we listen to Him, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds, and our lives become a reflection of His glory.
3. Apostolic witness strengthens our faith
In 2 Peter 1:16-19, the apostle Peter is writing to the early Christian believers to encourage them in their faith and warn them against false teachers and their deceptive teachings. He emphasizes the authenticity of his own testimony as an eyewitness of the transfiguration of Jesus. Peter reminds the readers that they can trust in the truth of the gospel and the hope it brings, as it is grounded in the verifiable experiences of the apostles. Peter emphasizes the authority and reliability of his testimony as an eyewitness to this event. He wants the readers to understand that the gospel message is not based on cleverly devised myths but on concrete historical events witnessed by credible witnesses like himself.
The Transfiguration also serves as a prelude to the resurrection of Jesus. It foreshadows the glorified state of Jesus after His resurrection and ascension, giving hope to believers that they too will share in His divine glory. The apostles' witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus serves as the foundation for Christian faith and belief. As we encounter Jesus in His divine splendor, our faith is strengthened, and we are encouraged to trust in His promises. Peter's emphasis on reliable testimony challenges us to consider the authenticity of our own faith. Are we grounded in the witness of those who walked with Jesus and experienced His transformative power? As we anchor our faith in the reliable witness of the apostles, we can be assured of the truth and validity of the gospel. May we be inspired by the Transfiguration to grow in our faith and be transformed into the image of Christ, shining His light in the world.
Questions for reflections:
- How often do I intentionally seek moments of encounter with Jesus, like the disciples experienced during the Transfiguration, to deepen my understanding of His divinity and authority in my life?
- Am I building my faith on a solid foundation of reliable witness, such as the testimonies of the apostles and the Scriptures, or am I being influenced by cleverly devised myths and deceptive teachings?
- Do I prioritize spending time in the Word of God, allowing the Scriptures to shape my understanding of Jesus and His teachings?
- Are there any areas of my spiritual life that lack authenticity and depth, and how can I address them to experience a more genuine and vibrant relationship with God?
Gracious and Almighty God, You reign supreme over all the earth, and Your glory shines like a brilliant light. We lift our hearts in adoration, for You are exalted above all gods. Your righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne. Your power and majesty are beyond comprehension, and we stand in awe of Your greatness.
Help us, O Lord, to walk in the light of Your truth. Fill our hearts with Your love and grace, that we may radiate Your glory to a world in need. Guide us on the path of righteousness, that we may honor Your name and serve You faithfully. In times of darkness and uncertainty, be our refuge and strength. As we worship You, may our lives be a living testimony of Your splendor. We make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.
- Olvin Veigas, SJ
Dear Fr. Olvin, this is very motivating and inspiring reflections on the theme of the day's readings. I'm ever grateful to you. I encourage good number of people to your blog and they are drawn close to God by your reflections.
Dear Fr. Olvin Veigas SJ, thank you so much for your great reflections in every weekend. It really helps me to nurture my spiritual life. I strongly believe that God has specially gifted you with the spirit of Wisdom.
So hearty congrats father. I was very much inspired by some of your reflections. They are written below.
1. We too may have moments of spiritual clarity and insight when we encounter Christ in a profound way.
2. The voice from heaven urges us listen to Jesus.
3. As we encounter Jesus in His divine spender, our faith is strengthened and we are encouraged to trust His promises.
4.May we be inspired by the transfiguration to grow in our faith and be transformed into the image of Christ, shining His light in the world.
May God continuously bless you father to inspire millions of the people in the world through your inspiring reflections.
Dear Fr. Olvin Veigas SJ, thank you so much for your great reflections in every weekend. It really helps me to nurture my spiritual life. I strongly believe that God has specially gifted you with the spirit of Wisdom.
So hearty congrats father. I was very much inspired by some of your reflections. They are written below.
1. We too may have moments of spiritual clarity and insight when we encounter Christ in a profound way.
2. The voice from heaven urges us listen to Jesus.
3. As we encounter Jesus in His divine spender, our faith is strengthened and we are encouraged to trust His promises.
4.May we be inspired by the transfiguration to grow in our faith and be transformed into the image of Christ, shining His light in the world.
May God continuously bless you father to inspire millions of the people in the world through your inspiring reflections.
We are Blessed for having Fr.Olvin beautifully explaining word of God
Thanks for your beautiful homily. God bless
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