

Friday, September 8, 2023

Whatever you Bind on Earth Shall be Bound in Heaven

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: September 10, 2023

Readings: Ezekiel 33:7–9Psalm 95:1–2, 6–9Romans 13:8–10Matthew 18:15–20

Somehow or the other, conflict resolution seems to be one of the important topics in both Old and New Testaments. Conflict management is a recurring theme in the Bible. In fact, it deals extensively with this idea in different places and circumstances. The Word of God gives a number of ways of fixing the issues with one another. As all of us are called by God as His children, He invites us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving and adjusting. However, God does not tolerate evil and wickedness, yet there is salvation for such people if they show remorse and are ready to change for good.  On this 23rd Sunday in the Ordinary Time of the year, the liturgical readings for the day invite each one to follow the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ, especially in fixing our relations with one another. So that we may truly be called the children of God. 

1. Power of Reconciliation and the value of the community
In Matthew Chapter 18, Jesus addresses the issue of conflict resolution within the community of believers. He provides a step-by-step process for addressing grievances and reconciling with one another. This passage emphasizes the importance of maintaining unity, forgiveness, and love within the body of Christ, that is the community of Christians. The essence of Christian faith is love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. In these verses, Jesus teaches us that reconciliation is an essential aspect of our Christian walk. When we have conflicts or grievances with fellow believers, we should seek reconciliation rather than harboring bitterness or resentment. This mirrors Christ's ultimate act of reconciliation with humanity through His sacrifice on the cross.

Unfortunately, in spite of all the good practices that are in place in our Christian families and communities, conflicts seem to destroy us. There is so much goodness and openness within us but when the issues come up we seem to be drowned in our sorrows and conflicts. Jesus reminds us that whatever we do on this earth will be reflected in our book of life in heaven. In other words, God sees everything. He has given us intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom, and it is our task to put it to good use.  Jesus places a significant emphasis on the community of believers in this passage. He encourages us to address conflicts within the context of a loving and supportive community. This underscores the importance of not only our relationship with God but also our relationships with fellow believers. It reminds us that we are all part of the same body of Christ.

2. Power of agreement in prayer and the Presence of Christ:
Matthew Chapter 18, verse 19 speaks of the power of agreement in prayer. When two or more believers come together in agreement with God's will, there is a unique and powerful dynamic at play. It underscores the idea that the Christian community is not just for fellowship but for mutual support and spiritual strength. Our prayers can be more effective when we stand together in unity. The important lesson the history of humanity has taught us: United we stand, divided we fall. Our strength is in our unity and not in infighting or harbouring jealousy. Our unity in God is expressed first and foremost in a harmonious and cordial relationship with our brothers and sisters, starting in our families, parish community, and the rest. 

In verse 20, Jesus promises His presence where two or three are gathered in His name. This is a powerful reminder that Christ is with us in our midst, especially in times of conflict and reconciliation. His presence brings comfort, guidance, and healing to our broken relationships. Forgiveness and restoration are possible only when we give place first to God. When trust is fractured or a relationship broken, it can be difficult not to nurture our resentment or air our grievances in gossip. When our own ego and individual self-interests become primary, there is absolutely no place for the divine presence to rest amidst us.  God listens to our prayers when we give importance to Him who has given life to us.  Reconciliation is not just about resolving conflicts but about restoring broken relationships and experiencing the transformative power of God's grace.

3. A Christian fellowship is a lifelong journey
St Paul writing in Romans 13:8–10 reaffirms the central role of love in Christianity. Love isn't just one virtue among many; it is the core principle that guides our actions and attitudes. As a practicing Christian, you are called to love unconditionally, reflecting the boundless love that God has shown us. For a Christian, every good action of ours must stem from joy and peace. Our life as Christians must be governed by the law of love and not by the civil or ecclesial law. Because God becoming human in the person of Jesus Christ was not because it was written in a law instead it's because God simply loved us totally. Therefore treating others with respect, kindness, and fairness is essential.

Our life here on earth is not a bed of roses. It does not mean that we do not have differences or alternative perspectives. We cannot take them with us to the grave. We must give it a try for courageous conversations. As diverse individuals with different talents and gifts, we must promote unity and create a powerful testimony to the world about the transformative power of Christ's love. For this, we must cultivate a heart, which genuinely cares for others. We also must examine our inner motivations and intentions, ensuring that our actions are driven by love rather than selfishness. Loving others as Christ loved us is a lifelong journey. It requires continuous growth and transformation. As practicing Christians, we are called to continually deepen our love for others, seeking to embody the love of Christ more fully each day. Reconciliation heals, forgiveness builds!

Questions for self-reflection:
  1. Am I harboring any unforgiveness or unresolved conflicts with fellow believers? How can I take steps toward reconciliation as instructed by Jesus in this passage?
  2. In what ways can I actively contribute to the unity and love within my Christian community or family especially when conflicts arise?
  3. How can I encourage a culture of love, forgiveness, and unity in whatever group or religious community, I belong to?
Prayer based on Psalm 95

Gracious and loving God,

We come before Your presence with hearts filled with gratitude and praise. We acknowledge You as the mighty Creator of all. We recognize that You are the Sovereign over all creation, and it is in Your loving care that we find our refuge and strength. Lord, may the melodies of praise we have offered be etched into our hearts. May the sense of reverence we have felt in Your presence accompany us as we go about our daily lives.

Help us, O Lord, to carry the spirit of gratitude and worship into each moment, acknowledging Your sovereignty in all circumstances. In times of joy, may we sing Your praises; in times of trial, may we seek Your strength and wisdom; and in all moments, may we remember to bow before You in humble adoration.  As we step out into the world, may our lives be a living testimony to Your glory, love, and grace. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Rock and Redeemer, we pray. Amen.

- Fr Olvin Veigas, SJ
September 08, 2023


Anonymous said...

Father, thanks a lot for your reflections on forgiveness which is needed in our daily lives.wonderful reflection.

Anonymous said...

Dear father Olvin Veigas SJ ,thanks a lot for your great reflections. I am very much inspired by some of the sentences and phrases from your reflections. They are given below.

1.The word of God gives number of ways of fixing the issues with one another
2. God invites us to be kind and compassionate to one another.

3. The essence of our Christian faith is love, forgiveness and reconciliation
4. Our Prayers can be more effective when we stand together in unity.

5. Therefore treating others with respect, kindness and fairness is essential.

6. For a Christian, every good action of ours must stem from Joy and Peace.

7. Our life here on earth is not a bed of roses.

Thank you father, for helping me too to grow in my spiritual life. May God bless you abundantly to inspire thousands of people through your reflection inorder to draw them closer to Jesus Christ. May God Bless you 🌷