

Friday, December 22, 2023

Embracing Divine Anticipation: A Call to Courage and Surrender

Fourth Sunday of Advent: December 24, 2023

Readings: 2 Samuel 7:1–58–1116Psalm 89:2–52729Romans 16:25–27Luke 1:26–38

Angel Gabriel visits Mary
 To listen to my audio-video reflections via YouTube, please click here:  https://youtu.be/9esFqSadG70

We are on the final threshold before the joyous arrival of Christmas. As we enter deeper into the mystery of the Incarnation in the person of Jesus Christ, it draws us into a deeper reflection. On this fourth Advent Sunday, we stand on the brink of the miraculous, awaiting the fulfillment of ancient prophecies and the realization of God's promise to redeem humanity through the gift of His Son. It is a time of a spiritual pause that invites us to ponder the significance of the approaching Nativity and to embrace the enduring hope that radiates from the humblest of beginnings in Bethlehem. 

1. Openness to God's plan needs humility

This Fourth Sunday of Advent is very special for us as it turns out to be the eve of Christmas. The air crackles with a vibrant anticipation, a sense that something momentous is about to unfold. We ignite in our hearts the flame of love and compassion as we welcome the God who is born simple in an obscure place. Luke 1:26–38 recounts the angel Gabriel's visit to Mary, announcing the miraculous conception of Jesus.  Mary listens to angel Gabriel's message with utter openness to God's plan. She surrenders herself completely, saying, "Let it be to me according to your word." This invites us to reflect on our own openness to God's will in our lives. Are we willing to surrender our plans and desires to align with God's purpose?

Mary's humble acceptance of God's plan teaches us about the transformative power of humility. In a world that often values self-assertion, arrogance, and ambition, Mary's humility stands as a model for all of us. It reminds us that true greatness comes from a humble heart that is open to God's leading. It also teaches us to have a deep faith built on simplicity and reverence in a seemingly impossible situation. Mary's trust in God encourages us to embrace faith even in situations that may appear mysterious or challenging.

2. Embracing God's Timing and having a sense that nothing is impossible

The timing of God's plan is often beyond our comprehension. That's why we fail to recognize Him and the blessings He brings perhaps at the last minute.  Mary's life was profoundly impacted because she was willing to wait on God's timing. Yet, even amidst confusion and social risk, she listens attentively and ponders the angel's words. This challenges us to reflect on our own patience and trust in God's timing, especially when faced with delays or apparent obstacles in our lives.

Despite the potential challenges and societal implications like pregnancy even before the marriage, strange greetings from an angel, etc,  Mary responds with joy to God's call.  This joy emanates from her deep connection with God. Her intimate relationship with God moves according to His plan even though it was tough and extremely difficult. Her motherhood was unexpected. As we reflect on her response, we are invited to cultivate a spirit of joy in our own obedience to God's calling, trusting that God's plans are filled with purpose and meaning.

3. Sovereignty of God above human intentions
In the midst of Mary's yes to God, we have a reading from 2 Samuel 7:1–58–1116. It captures the moment when God makes a covenant with King David, promising a perpetual dynasty. David in turn wishes to build a temple for God which never materializes in his life. This shows that we cannot go against the wishes of God. What is not yours does not belong to you even though the intention may be noble or holy and well-intentioned. However, it might not align with God's grandeur and design. God decides everything and we are called to be partakers in His call just as Mary did. 

God has time. He fulfills what He desires in an opportune time. We might become impatient, desolate, and lose faith, yet God has His last say. God loved David but he was not destined to build a temple for God. The plan of God unfolds gradually even though one might have an enduring relationship and steadfast love. The legacy of God's blessings continues for generations. God does not have short-term plans as the Word of God says. It's impact is comprehensive and from generation to generation. Hence, we must cultivate obedience to faith. It means submission to divine will, living a moral life, trusting in God's wisdom and acting in love and compassion with a deep but continuous spiritual growth. May we, like David and Mary, seek to align our hearts with God's plans, trusting in His unwavering faithfulness throughout the journey of our lives.

Questions for self-reflection
  1. Am I open to divine interruptions in my plans, as Mary was when the angel Gabriel appeared to her?
  2. In what ways can I cultivate a spirit of humility in my daily life, recognizing that true greatness comes from surrendering to God's will?
  3. In what areas of my life can I practice patience and trust in God's timing, even when circumstances seem delayed or unclear?
  4. Do I actively seek the guidance and presence of the Holy Spirit in my decision-making and daily life, as Mary experienced in the conception of Jesus?

Prayer based on Psalm 89

Gracious and Eternal God,

In the sanctuary of your love, we find refuge. Your faithfulness is a pillar that sustains us. We stand in awe of your covenant, a covenant that endures through all generations. O, Lord, you bring comfort in times of trial and joy in moments of success. We marvel at the splendor of your creation, the heavens declare your wonders, and the earth sings of your steadfast love. 

As we navigate the tapestry of life, may we find solace in your promises, drawing strength from the assurance that your love is our constant companion. In moments of uncertainty, let the melody of your faithfulness guide our steps, and in times of abundance, may gratitude be the anthem of our hearts. We make this prayer in our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
22 December 2023


Joilin said...

Thanks for the special spirit filled reflections for the 4th Sunday of the Advent that takes us much closer and closer to Baby Jesus who is awaiting us with innumerable surprising gifts that last for ever. I have been sending your reflections to all who desire to celebrate faith.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Olvin Veigas SJ,

I appreciate your inspiring reflections on the Word of God, which greatly enrich my spiritual life. Below are the sentences that resonated with me:

1. "We ignite in our hearts the flame of love and compassion."

2. "True greatness comes from a humble heart that is open to God's leading."

3. "The timing of God's plan is often beyond our comprehension."

4. "We are invited to cultivate a spirit of joy in our own obedience to God."

5. "God decides everything, and we are called to be partakers in His call, just as Mary did."

6. "We must cultivate obedience to faith."

Thank you, Father, for your profound inspiration, and may God bless you. 👏🌹

Anonymous said...

Thank you Fr Olvin for the reflections. They are very meaningful especially as we are on the eve of Christmas.
A very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year to you.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful portrayed about the embracing God's timing. As Mary,we are called to wait patiently for the fulfillment of His will. Really inspired me a lot, to grow more deeper in my relationship with God. See God's work in all small things that happen in my life.