

Friday, May 10, 2024

Ascending to God the Father Forever

Ascension of the Lord: May 12, 2024

Readings: Acts 1:1–11Psalm 47:2–3, 6–7, 8–9; Ephesians 4:1–7, 11–13Mark 16:15-20

When we do not know what to do, then we begin daydreaming. In itself, daydreaming is not bad as it makes the mind rest and relax. The death of Jesus was not only a big blow to the disciples, but also they suffered from anxiety and fear. They feared for their lives more than the buried body of Jesus. However, as the days passed by the resurrection of Jesus brought new energy and vigour. They are ready to take off to distant lands and varied cultures and people. On this Sunday, we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. When the disciples of our Lord were truly strengthened, Jesus took himself off from them physically and they never saw him again on this earth. The readings of today tell us this beautiful story of our Lord's final time with them.

1. Bringing the message of God's love to everyone
Mark 16:15-20 contains the passage where Jesus commissions his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Jesus's message has a universal scope. Salvation is meant for everyone regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or social status. It means we must break down barriers and reach out to all people with the love and grace of Christ. We are called to reach out to others through humility, gentleness, patience, and love, bearing with one another in unity. We must transcend cultural, ethnic, and social differences, reflecting the diversity and beauty of God's creation. 

The disciples of our Lord quickly understood the message of the master and obeyed. Their faith in Jesus was put into action. They actively went out and shared it with others. When we listen to our divine master, he guides us because there is power in his command. That is how the disciples would go on doing wonders and miracles like casting out demons and speaking in new tongues. God's power works through his people and is visible in the signs. 

2. Assurance of God's presence and strength
Jesus concludes his commission by promising to be with his disciples always, even to the end of the age. It is a gentle reminder of our Lord that we are never alone in our mission. No matter how daunting the task may seem, we can take comfort in knowing that Christ is with us, empowering and guiding us every step of the way. He will equip us with gifts of Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the work of ministry and the building up of the Church of Christ.

God knows how to continue the work that he began. The commission given to the disciples is not just a one-time event but an ongoing mission for the church. The work of spreading the gospel and making disciples is not yet finished. We are called to continue the mission that Jesus began, faithfully proclaiming his message of hope and redemption to a world in need.

3. Accompaniment of the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:1–11 recounts the account of Jesus's final instructions to his disciples before ascending into heaven. Jesus assured his disciples that they would receive the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit brings new life to the mission of the church. We are not masters of our destiny. We are not left to fulfill God's purposes in our own strength but are empowered by the Spirit to be witnesses for Christ. Our focus should be the greater reality of the kingdom of God. 

Jesus wishes that his message of love and peace reaches the ends of the earth. This universal scope of the gospel message is indeed a challenge to break out of our comfort zones and engage in evangelism and missions, both locally and globally. The ascension of our Lord marks the culmination of his earthly ministry and the beginning of his exaltation. Jesus accompanies us from above with his ongoing presence with us. May we be encouraged to embrace our identity as empowered witnesses for Christ, faithfully proclaiming the gospel and eagerly awaiting his return.

Questions for self-reflection:
  1. Am I actively seeking to promote unity and peace within my Christian community, or am I contributing to division and discord?
  2. How can I cultivate a deeper sense of unity with fellow believers who may have different backgrounds, perspectives, or spiritual gifts?
  3. How can I actively cultivate a deeper sense of unity with fellow believers, recognizing that our common bond in Christ transcends all differences?
Prayer based on Psalm 47
Heavenly Father,
We come before you with hearts full of praise and thanksgiving, acknowledging your greatness and sovereignty over all the earth. We lift our voices in joyful song, proclaiming your mighty deeds and celebrating your reign over the nations. You reign over the nations with love and mercy, and your kingdom knows no end.

May all the peoples of the earth bow before you in worship, acknowledging your supremacy and surrendering their lives to your lordship. Let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May our lives be a living testimony to your greatness and may we exalt your name forevermore. We make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
May 09, 2024


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Fr. Olvin Veigas SJ, for your impactful reflections. Your words have deeply resonated with me, boosting my spiritual life and inspiring newfound perspectives. Here are the key points that touched my heart:

- Jesus' messengers brought renewed vigor and energy.
- Salvation is inclusive, meant for everyone.
- We're urged to reach out to others with humility, patience, gentleness, and love.
- Listening to our divine master guides us, as there's divine power in His command.
- God's power operates through His people; we're never alone in His mission.
- We're empowered by His spirit.

Thank you again, and God bless you, Father. 🌹👏

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the soul-searching reflections. It is really touching and affirming that the Holy Spirit will be with us with the gifts we need for the ministry.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Olvin,

I wanted to express my gratitude for your thought-provoking reflections on Easter Sunday, particularly on the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Your insights brought depth to the significance of this momentous event, inspiring contemplation and spiritual growth among your congregation.
Your dedication to guiding us through the complexities of faith with clarity and compassion is deeply appreciated.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to spreading the message of love, hope, and redemption. Your ministry continues to touch lives and nurture souls, making a profound difference in our community.

Anonymous said...

A soul soothing reflection I would say. I'm deeply touched by the reflection very especially - " He will equip us with gifts for His ministry ". May God's power continue to empower all of us to faithfully continue His mission here on earth.

Anonymous said...

Thank you fr.Olvin for bringing God's message every week without fail. When l reflect on the writing, at least one sentence struck me. Really a booster for my spiritual growth.

Anonymous said...

Thank you fr.for your inspiring and motivating reflecyions.I understood that I am called to spread the good news and I am not alone and He is there in all my situation

Anonymous said...

Thank you Fr Olvin for the meaningful reflections on the Ascension of our Lord.