

Friday, June 7, 2024

From Easter to Everyday: Embracing Unity and Discipleship in Christ

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time: June 09, 2024

Readings: Gn 3:9–15Ps 130:1–23–45–67–82 Cor 4:13–5:1Mk 3:20–35

The celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord at Easter bestows on us manifold blessings. It is indeed a time to recognize how the Church invites its people to live with Christ in his joy and glory. In the last few Sundays, we have been having solemnities: Ascension of our Lord, Pentecost, Holy Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi Sunday, Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus, etc. All these Church feasts tell us a very important aspect that is, ultimately God is in control of us. As creatures, we must allow God to be God. By being so, we can walk humbly before God recognizing that we require God's mercy and compassion. As we enter deeply into the Ordinary Sundays of the year, the Church invites us to be God's people in thoughts, words and actions.

1. Discipleship: Deep relationship with Jesus

In the Gospel reading of today Mark 3:20–35, Jesus redefines the concept of family, stating, "Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother." Jesus confronts the questions very boldly. Often questions from close family quarters can be disturbing and painful. Benjamin Franklin said, "the thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion." True family, according to Jesus, transcends biological ties and is rooted in spiritual commitment and obedience to God's will. For Jesus, whoever does God's will is a brother, sister and mother. Being a follower of our Lord Jesus means being in communion with others who share the same faith, hope and love. That is why, we are concerned about our brothers and sisters when they are persecuted. We pray for them and try to give the necessary help to them.  The bonding happens because we share the same vision of our Lord. 

Unity within the Body of Christ, which is the Church is essential. Our love towards each other is recognized because of the sharing of the same Gospel of our Lord. Hence, we must keep guard which threatens our bonding. Division and discord weaken our collective witness and effectiveness. As followers of Christ, we must strive for unity, recognizing that our strength lies in our togetherness, and work diligently to heal and bridge divisions within our communities.

2. Christian Discipleship: Uniqueness yes, a call to holiness

At the beginning of the passage, we see Jesus' own family coming to restrain Him, thinking He is "out of His mind" (Mark 3:21). This illustrates how even those closest to Jesus misunderstood His mission. Often, misunderstandings and opposition are part of our lives and they might come from close quarters. Therefore we must encourage ourselves to remain steadfast in our faith and mission, trusting that, like Jesus, our dedication to God's will is paramount, even when it is not immediately understood or accepted by others. The Holy Spirit who binds us together in unity is always walks with us. The Holy Spirit prompts us to remain humble and repentant heart, always open to God's embrace and guidance. 

3. The Call to Discipleship: A continuous journey

Throughout this Gospel passage, Jesus exemplifies unwavering commitment to His mission despite opposition and misunderstanding. Jesus is a model in our journey of faith to have that same commitment like our Master and the courage to move ahead in life. Therefore, we must build different structures and mechanisms within us and our communities to strengthen us. In times of adversity, misunderstanding and hostility, the firmness in our faith is a must. The commitment to the Gospel and its values is a must. There might be many threats to this commitment. However, we must engage in spiritual warfare through prayer, the Word of God, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as well as participating in works of mercy and charity as weapons of our protection from evil and wicked forces. 

Questions for Self-Reflection:

  1. In what ways can I strengthen my relationships with those who share my commitment to God's will?
  2. Have I ever faced misunderstanding or opposition because of my faith? How did I respond?
  3. What can I learn from Jesus' response to His family's and others' misunderstandings of His mission?
  4. How committed am I to following Jesus, especially when it involves challenges or misunderstandings?

Prayer based on Psalm 130

Heavenly Father, I come before You from the depths of my heart, seeking Your mercy and forgiveness. In moments of despair and weakness, remind me of Your unfailing love and the promise of redemption. Strengthen my hope and trust in Your word, and let my soul wait patiently for Your guidance and deliverance. With gratitude, I embrace Your forgiveness, and with reverence, I commit to serve You faithfully. May Your steadfast love be my constant source of hope, now and always. I make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name,  Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ

June 06, 2024


Anonymous said...

Thank you father for the meaning full reflection on Sunday liturgy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Fr Olvin for your reflections especially the thought-provoking questions very helpful for personal awareness.