

Friday, March 14, 2025

Transfigured in Christ: A Journey of Authentic Discipleship

02 Sunday of Lent: March 16, 2025

Readings: Genesis 15:5–12, 17–18; Psalm 27:1, 7–9, 13–14; Philippians 3:17–4:1; Luke 9:28–36

Deep and poignant experiences leave an indelible mark in life. They make us who we are, reveal our identity and the purpose of our lives, and are defining moments that clear the path of the future. No one can steal such experiences from our lives. They add value to our lives and are pathways to the future. We feel such experiences are very essential. They broaden our horizons and look for a future with hope. Jesus had a similar experience during the transfiguration on Mount Tabor with his disciples. The whole episode changed the perspectives of Jesus and his three disciples forever. They were never the same again. It captivated their attention and made them clear the role of their master Jesus in their lives. The liturgical readings on this Sunday, help us to live this Lent with utmost faith, hope and charity.

1. Climbing the Mountain: Seeking God's Presence
The Gospel for this Sunday Luke 9:28–36 invites us to contemplate the Transfiguration of Jesus—a moment of divine revelation that strengthens the disciples for the journey ahead. As we reflect on this very fascinating passage, it invites us to recognize that authentic Christian discipleship requires us to be transformed in Christ, listening to Him, and courageously following Him through both moments of glory and the path of the Cross. Therefore, we must have passion for God and the determination to follow him only then we can fulfil the ambition of God for us.

Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up the mountain to pray. Throughout Scripture, mountains symbolize encounters with God—places of transformation and revelation. Discipleship calls us to "climb" spiritually, making space for prayer, silence, and communion with God. In our busy lives, do we intentionally set aside time for prayer? Do we allow ourselves to be drawn into God’s presence, seeking His guidance for our journey?

2. Seeing His Glory: Transformed by Christ
On the mountain, Jesus’ face shines, and His clothes become dazzling white. This is not a change from the outside, but a revelation of who He truly is. Authentic discipleship means allowing Christ to transform us from within—to be people who radiate His love, compassion, and truth. The outside manifestations are the result of inside transformations. 

Lent is a time for interior renewal. It is a moment to seek new direction in our life. It is to find greater purpose in life. Are we letting Christ’s light shape our thoughts, actions, and desires? What areas of our lives need to be purified so that we may reflect His glory more clearly? When Christ enters into our lives, he brings changes within us. 

3. Descending the Mountain: Mission in the World
The disciples wanted to remain in the moment of glory—“Let us build three tents”—but Jesus leads them back down. Christian discipleship is not about staying in comfort but carrying the light of Christ into the struggles of the world. The Transfiguration prepared them to later face the agony of Gethsemane.

How does our encounter with Christ strengthen us for our mission? How do we bring His love into our families, workplaces, and society?  The essence of discipleship is not just admiration of Christ but obedience to His voice. It is easy to follow Jesus in moments of joy, but will we listen to Him when the path is difficult, when the Cross is near? Lent as a Journey of Transformation reminds us that our own transformation is a journey, not a one-time event. This Lent, we are called to: 
  • Climb the mountain—seek God in prayer.
  • Be transformed—allow His light to change us.
  • Listen to Him—follow Christ in obedience.
  • Descend the mountain—live our faith in the world.
May this season of Lent lead us to a deeper encounter with Jesus, so that we may truly reflect His glory in our daily lives.

Prayer based on Psalm 27
Loving and faithful God, You are my light and my salvation—there is nothing I shall fear. When darkness surrounds me, You are my refuge; when my heart is troubled, You are my peace. Hear me, Lord, as I lift my voice to You. In my moments of weakness, remind me that You are always near.

O God, my heart longs for You, my soul thirsts for Your presence. Teach me to trust in Your goodness even when the path is uncertain. Strengthen me to wait upon You with faith, knowing that Your love never fails. Grant me courage to walk in Your ways, patience to trust in Your timing, and a heart that seeks You above all things. I make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
March 14, 2025

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