Maundy Thursday: Commemoration of Lord's Last Supper: April 14, 2022
Readings: Exodus 12:1-8,11-14 | 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 | John 13:1-15
(Depiction of the Last Supper by Artist Lydia Susan Abraham courtesy: internet) To listen to my audio-video reflections on YouTube, please click here |
The Sacred or Holy Triduum as we call the three important days of the Holy Week are the revered days in the entire liturgical year. We begin the Holy Triduum with the Maundy or Holy Thursday, where we commemorate the Lord's Last Supper with his disciples. Good Friday commemorates the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. And Holy Saturday having spent the day with the mother of our Saviour in her mourning at the death of her beloved son, we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
1. Holy Eucharist: The centre of our lives
Holy Thursday, which we celebrate is indeed a life-transforming event in our faith lives. It is because on this day, our Lord instituted the Eucharist and by doing so instituted the priesthood. Moreover, on this eventful day, our Lord washed the feet of his disciples and called us to a model of service. Whether it is for a family person or for a religious consecrated person, Eucharist is everything to one's life. When Fr Pedro Arrupe (1907-1991), the former Superior General of the Society of Jesus, who survived the Hiroshima bombing in 1945 and spent the last ten years of his life in the infirmary because of a stroke that paralyzed him completely asked, "who is Jesus for you?" he replied, "for me, Jesus is everything" and when further asked, "what is Eucharist for you?" he immediately replied, "for me, Eucharist is the centre of my life."