03rd Sunday of Lent: March 03, 2024
Readings: Exodus 20:1–17; Psalm 19:8–11; 1 Corinthians 1:22–25; John 2:13–25
Howard Thuman famously said, "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Living in a digital world surrounded by the euphoria of AI, ChatGpt, and Machine Learning (ML), we are in the midst of a transition. The change has been very quick and fast evolving. Those who embrace the race will not be the losers. However, we are invited to be part of it because it is our invention. It depends on us whether we would like to control technology or allow technology to control us. Unless we come alive, the world will be dormant, marginalized, and impoverished. The people of Jesus' time never realized the Messiah amidst them instead they saw in him a disturbance, a threat to their corrupt practices. On this Third Sunday of Lent, the liturgical readings invite us to accept the precepts of God wholeheartedly so that we come alive fully to carry on in this world.
1. Necessity of Blessed Rage for the House of God
The passage from John 2:13–25 recounts the incident where Jesus cleanses the Temple in Jerusalem, an event that is significant both to Messianic work as well as the Jewish community as a whole. Jesus' actions in the Temple demonstrate his deep passion and reverence for the house of God. His zeal is not merely for the physical structure but for what it represents: a place of worship, prayer, and connection with the Divine. Therefore, our faith must move beyond witnessing miracles or signs but more of a personal relationship with God that is rooted in trust, love and commitment.