22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 28, 2022
Readings: Sirach 3:17–18, 20, 28–29; Psalm 68:4–7,10–11; Hebrews 12:18–19, 22–24; Luke 14:1, 7–14
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In a world of name and fame, being simple and unnoticed is difficult. The human tendency urges one to be recognized and identified. There is in each one of us the "Will to Power" a main driving force in humans. It is an irrational force, found in all individuals, that can be channelled toward different ends. The liturgical readings of today take us in another direction that is to be humble and unnoticed and thus be a person of God.
1. Give up your place
Jesus narrates a parable of guests at the wedding feast. Jesus is such a people watcher and observer! Jesus invites his listeners to be attentive and watch the situation before one could take a place in such public functions. Jesus illustrates an important eternal truth. It is better not to take a place that is not meant or suitable to us. It is good for us to choose a place in a public gathering unnoticeable. It is better that when someone recognizes us who we are and accordingly accommodates us by giving a suitable place. In other words, one's humility must give him or her credit to be honoured. Jesus is revealing the way of the Kingdom, in which the one who would be greatest would be the servant of all (Luke 22:24–27). In fact, you recognize unexpected God based on the foundation of your humility.