Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord: May 29, 2022
Readings: Acts 1:1–11; Psalm 47:2–3, 6–7, 8–9; Ephesians 1:17–23; Luke 24:46–53
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(Ascension of Jesus into Heaven by Lash Larue, 2022) |
To listen to my audio-video reflection on YouTube, please click on the link:
When you live in a faraway foreign country leaving behind your parents and making a visit once in two or three years, and saying goodbye to them before you take a flight is always difficult. It is difficult to part from those who are of your flesh and blood. Often the thought of, will I see my parents or my dear ones again dominates the back of your mind. We are so interconnected with our relationships, that saying goodbye or bidding farewell always brings tears to our eyes. On this Ascension Sunday, the liturgical readings give us a mixed scene of joy and sadness in which Jesus bid farewell and was taken up into heaven. His final words to his disciples demonstrate that it was not easy. The story of Jesus did not end with the empty tomb, or with Jesus’ appearances to the Apostles over the course of forty days. Jesus continues to live in and around us from his seat in heaven.
1. We are witnesses of the Lord
We celebrate the Ascension Sunday, after 40 days of Easter. This feast celebrates how the resurrected Lord went back to his Father. Even though the Gospels of St Mark and St John do not speak about the ascension of our Lord, St Matthew and St Luke give us a beautiful description of how the Risen Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven. In fact, St Luke begins the Acts of the Apostles with an awesome description of Jesus ascending into the heavens. In fact, this is the end of Jesus' life on earth and his departure from this earth once and for all. We see the contradictions in which the narration about Jesus' final moments on this earth are given. The truth behind this ascension is an assurance that the truth revealed by Jesus will be proclaimed to the ends of this earth.
In a world of practicality and objective real experience, the place for mystery hasn't much space. Since the death of Jesus on the cross we are shrouded with a tremendous mystery of Jesus' resurrection which in fact is demonstrated with various apparitions to his disciples and close friends. It is very easy to understand Jesus when he began to participate in the lives of people as a prophet, teacher, healer, driving out demons and so forth. However when we begin to process the apparition narratives the whole world of mystery begins to engulf us with very little idea of what is this all about. The final words of Jesus, "You are witnesses of these things. And behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49) gives us the clue to what Jesus had promised before he took up the cross. That is he would be accompanying us through the Holy Spirit.
2. Jesus amidst us through the Holy Spirit
Jesus continues to live in the world through the disciples. The frightened disciples of our Lord once the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit comes upon them and they become changed persons. A great strength, courage, boldness and memory of the Lord envelop them very strongly. Once Jesus was taken up into the heavens, St Lukes writes so joyfully, "they (disciples) did him homage and then returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and they were continually in the temple praising God." The presence of Jesus is manifested among the disciples through joy and continuous singing of praises to God. Moreover, the disciples would be witnesses of what they had experienced in their master throughout the world. "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
Perhaps the following lines must help us to know how much Jesus loved his disciples: "Then he led them out as far as Bethany, raised his hands, and blessed them. As he blessed them he parted from them and was taken up to heaven" (Luke 24:50-51). One of the credible things a person can do to his friends is to accompany, protect and bless. Jesus is the model in this. It is always difficult to say goodbye to someone whom you love. However, the difficult moment can be overcome by being good, kind and generous. That is how the memory will be preserved and treasured. What the disciples of Jesus carry home is the beautiful and fascinating memory of their master which they would never forget. In fact, God is in us and we are in him, through Jesus Christ our Lord who has revealed him to us. Therefore, God can be found in the words and actions of others, especially those in need, and has come to us through the words of scripture.
3. Life must continue with the proclamation
The question of those two men dressed in white “Men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky?" (Acts 1:11) must be our own. There is no point in looking up to the heavens. It is the time to look down, at the earth, people and all that contains. It is the time to spread the gospel of Jesus, to give witness to him. That is why St Luke is very particular that we must proclaim the good news, be witnesses of the Gospel. In fact, what the ascension of the Lord is saying to us is to put our steps in the footsteps of Jesus because he has left the mark of those footsteps everywhere. So it's the task of those who have experienced him to give that message of him. Thus, the world might be transformed, and the fullness of life of our Lord might reach everyone.
That must be the reason why St Luke explains to us everything in detail. By hearing and seeing what happened at that last moment of Jesus with his disciples might enable us to hear him boldly. Thus giving witness to the true message of Jesus might happen and the values of our Lord are proclaimed emphatically in spite of so many different values that surround us. Perhaps the prayer of St Paul that we see in his letter to the Ephesians might help us to reinvigorate for the cause of God: "May the God of Jesus be revealed to you and give you a spirit of wisdom that you may know Jesus. May God enlighten your inner vision that you may appreciate the things we hope for, and may God give you the courage to live the way of Jesus" (Ephesians 1:17-18). May this prayer be ours as we celebrate the feast of the ascension and hear asking us to go and be his witnesses today by living according to his way.
Questions for reflections
- How would you describe your experience, if you were with Jesus on that ascension day?
- What is that imagery of Jesus' ascension comes to your mind when you listen to the readings of today?
- Do you experience Jesus' accompaniment, protection and guidance these days?
Gracious and loving Lord, as we continue to live with your message of good news, we need the courage, the strength, and the motivation to bear witness to you. Give us the grace to preach you as God of loving and God of living in the midst of too many concoctions and confusions surrounding you. Lord, guide us and lead us to be faithful witnesses to your love, compassion and truth. We make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen.
- Olvin Veigas, SJ
27 May 2022
Wonderful message of hope! I felt the real presence of the Risen Christ speaking to me as I read the reflections meditatively. There's some power I find in all your writing. And I'm sure it's the power of the Holy Spirit. Feel blessed to have your weekly reflections as our Spiritual nourishment. Stay healthy and blessed.
Feel so blessed to prepare myself for Sundays with good reflections. As I was reading I felt it's so relatable to me especially when you said that it's difficult to say goodbye to someone we love but we can do credible things like accompany them and bless them through our prayers. "Life must continue with the proclamation "- may we all heed to His clarion call and walk in the path He Himself has walked.
Very enriching spiritual reflection, yes, contextualised too.
Thanks for sharing your homily. Yes, to be faithful witnesses to God's love, compassion and truth is our mission.
Thank you father for the wonderful reflections. May the risen Lord reward you abundantly for the great work you have undertaken in His name.
Thank you father for the beautiful reflection calling me to be a witness to Christ in my daily life and to walk in his footsteps.
Thank you Fr for the reflections. You give them keeping in mind the present situation in the world. Thanks a lot.
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