

Friday, June 3, 2022

Pentecost: Working of the Holy Spirit through Spiritual Gifts

Solemnity of the Pentecost Sunday: June 05, 2022

Readings: Acts 2:1–11Psalm 104:12429–31341 Corinthians 12:3–712–13John 20:19–23

(Coming of the Holy Spirit on Mary and Apostles)
To listen to my audio-video reflections via YouTube, please click on this link: https://youtu.be/Yon8r-K4zvc

Veni Sancte Spiritus, tui amoris ignem accende, means "Holy Spirit, come to us, kindle in us the fire of your love." This "Come Holy Spirit" hymn is a sacred composition presumably written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in Vienna in 1768 at the age of 12. Today on this Pentecost Sunday, once again the hymn Come, Holy Spirit resounds in our Churches and our homes. It is a vibrant feast which makes us feel upbeat about our faith life and our life in the Spirit. The promise of our Lord Jesus is fulfilled with the outpouring of the Spirit on Mary and the Apostles (Acts 1:14). The liturgical readings of the day invite us to be fully consumed by the Spirit of God just as the apostles experienced two thousand years ago.

1. Holy Spirit accompanies us always with various gifts

St Luke the author of the Acts of the Apostles records so beautifully the day when the Holy Spirit came down upon the disciples of our Lord who were holed up in the house due to the fear of the Jews. There was a sudden noise  with a great wind from the sky which"appeared to them (disciples) tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them" (Acts 2:3). This dramatic but fearful situation turned out to be something different. The disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages. This astonishing experience changed the disciples entirely. Instead of fear, boldness filled them, instead of ignorance, intelligence engulfed them, instead of knowledge, wisdom came out of their mouths, instead of denial, the trust made a home in them, and instead of running away, the disciples would remain and defend themselves and what they believed in. The change in the lives of disciples was enormous and inexpressable.

St Paul in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 mentions wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues as the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the gifts of the Holy Spirit simply empower faithful Christians to do what each one is called to do. Therefore, Peter who experienced this power of the Holy Spirit writes in his letter (2 Peter 1:3) saying, "His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." In order to build us in God, the Holy Spirit accompanies us in fulfilling His plans for our lives. That is the reason why we invoke the Holy Spirit in such difficult and dangerous moments. 

2. Holy Spirit gathers together all that is shattered and divided

What is amazing about that first Pentecost is how things took shape definitely and for eternity. The Pentecost event was not simply a one-time event or a temporary event. The ripples of the Pentecost event were felt not just inside the house where the disciples were residing but outside the house as well. The vibrations of the Holy Spirit were felt wherever the disciples went especially as we see today in that square where people had gathered. St Luke tells further that Peter as the head of the group spoke to the people so passionately about Jesus and all the events surrounding his life that a great number of people join them: "So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls" (Acts 2:41).

The Word of God is so active and alive, the Holy Spirit makes it heard by the people. All that is shattered or divided is brought into unity. The power of the Holy Spirit is so strong that nothing can withstand before it all that is not genuine, insincere and untruth. Jews who had gathered in Jerusalem from various parts of the world recognized so quickly that need salvation in the person of Jesus. Probably, Jesus' first teaching assembly might not have attracted as many as the first assembly of the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants to do greater miracles in his physical absence by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is the reason why we as Christians are called to be the close associates of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the Spirit of God continues to work miracles and wonders even today as we see so many men and women and children embrace Jesus as their saviour every year and year after year. 

3. Holy Spirit action-oriented force of God

What we see on Pentecost day is the quick movement of the Spirit of God entering into the lives of people and beginning to act in them. The Holy Spirit gives them everything that they need to accomplish in their lives. In other words, the Holy Spirit enables us to walk in the footsteps of our salvation carrying the crown of glory which Jesus promised us:  "Whoever follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Holy Spirit becomes the light in the darkness as the Psalmist says so beautifully "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105). The Spirit is revealed as the life-giving breath of the Father, the Wisdom by which He made all things, draws us into communion with each other and continues "to renew the face of the earth" as we sing in today’s Psalm 104.  

The Spirit of God is not static or unreal. The Holy Spirit gives us the courage to act boldly and speak prudently in ways that bring peace and a just settlement in difficult situations. It is like a river of living water, that continues to pour out His Spirit for all ages on His body, the Church. Holy Spirit brings love and reconciliation, peace and joy, happiness and forgiveness in a world which is filled with hatred and war, jealousy and selfishness, ego and self-centeredness, pride and violence, animosity and indignation. The Holy Spirit arrives in our midst like a strong gust of wind to free us from the dark places of isolation, loneliness, disappointment, woundedness, desolation, stubbornness, distress, affliction, anxiety, grief, malice, wretchedness and suffering. In such places and spaces, the Spirit fills with hope and confidence, security and wisdom, so that we are not left alone. He breaks through the boundaries and walls, and builds bridges and connections, heals the broken, melts the frozen and guides our steps. This is what we pray on this Pentecost Sunday.

Questions for reflections?

  1. What is that gift of God that you would like to receive from the Holy Spirit today?
  2. What is the experience of the Holy Spirit in your life?
  3. How do you imagine the place of the Holy Spirit in your life?
  4. What are your deepest worries, anxieties, and fears today? Pray to the Holy Spirit so that he can come into your situation. 


Lord, as I offer you all that is ordinary and everyday in my life, I ask you to give me the power of your Spirit that I may transform each day by living with a positive attitude, looking for the best in people and situations. Inspire me to live in your presence every day so that I may have a full share of the hope only your Spirit can bring; lead me to do the ordinary things of life in an extraordinary way, to your glory. Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. We make this prayer in Jesus' Holy Name, Amen. 

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
June 03, 2022


Joilin said...

Thank you for beautifully presenting the importance of the Pentecost, where we are gifted with the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit in abundance. Your reflections on this special day is really strengthening us with full of hope. It helps us to have the meaningful day and spend our time fully striving to receive the fullness of the Spirit. Wonderful thought dear. I'm blessed to have your reflections.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Olvin
I am in awe of your passion for the Word of God. You are a man filled with the spirit of God. We are blessed to meditate on your points which enriches our growth.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your beautiful memory. Yes, the Holy Spirit breaks through the boundaries and walls, and builds bridges and connections, heals the broken, melts the frozen and guides our steps. We should follow these guidlines and do the same. Great insights. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Thank you Fr Olvin for the reflections. May the Holy Spirit come upon us and make us whole.

Filomena said...

Happy Pentecost! Reading your blogs is most helpful. Humanity needs the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and bring us from Violence to non-Violence. Killings here every day, not just mass murders. The Republicans are making strict laws in abortion as life begins at birth which not everyone believes. But they’re OK with selling guns to everyone and anyone to kill innocent school children and others. I strongly condemn this. Canada is banning the sales of handguns and assault weapons. But not possible here. Pray for enlightenment here. God help us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very for the reflection. Pentecost is our highest feast. There is so much to reflect on the working of these spirit in us