

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Eternal Nourishment and Spirit-Filled Living through Holiness

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time: August 11, 2024

Readings: 1 Kings 19:4-8Psalm 34:2-9Ephesians 4:30-5:2John 6:41-51

In a world marked by uncertainty, anxiety, and the relentless pursuit of fleeting comforts, the timeless truths found in Scripture offer us a profound source of hope and guidance. As we navigate the complexities of modern life—grappling with fears, conflicts, and the deep hunger for meaning—we are invited to turn our gaze toward the spiritual nourishment that only Christ can provide. The liturgical readings of this 19th Sunday in Ordinary time call us to examine our hearts, align our lives with God’s love, and embrace the life-changing power of His Word. In doing so, we discover that even amidst the challenges of today, we can find peace, purpose, and strength by living in communion with Christ and walking in the light of His truth.

1. Trusting in Unseen Divine Nourishment

In  John 6:41-51, Jesus identifies Himself as the "bread of life," a powerful metaphor that invites us to reflect on the spiritual nourishment that He offers. Jesus contrasts the manna given to the Israelites in the desert with the true bread from heaven—Himself. While manna sustained physical life temporarily, Jesus offered something far greater: eternal life. This reminds us that our spiritual needs are far more significant than our physical needs. Just as our bodies require daily sustenance, our souls also need to be fed regularly with the Word of God and a relationship with Christ.

The crowd’s struggle to understand Jesus’ words reflects a common human tendency to rely on the tangible and the familiar. Faith often requires us to step beyond our understanding and embrace the mystery of God’s ways. Jesus challenges us to trust in Him, even when we don't fully comprehend His teachings. In our spiritual journey, faith is not merely intellectual assent but a deep, personal trust in the living Christ.

2. The purpose of our lives is to draw near to God

Jesus promises that those who partake in the bread of life will live forever. That is why the Eucharist is central to our lives. This is not just a promise for the future but a present reality that transforms our lives now. Eternal life begins when we accept Christ and live in communion with Him. It’s a life marked by peace, joy, and a deep sense of purpose that transcends the temporal concerns of this world. As St Oscar Romero himself said, "This is what the Eucharist is: the living, active, life-giving presence of Christ in person here in history." Through the strength in the Eucharist, we strive to create a more loving and just world.

Jesus says that no one can come to Him unless the Father draws them. The grace of God in our salvation—our journey toward God begins with God Himself. It’s a reminder that our spiritual growth is not about our efforts alone but about responding to God’s initiative in our lives. We are invited to cooperate with His grace, allowing Him to draw us closer to His heart.

3. Living in the Spirit: A Call to Holiness, Love, and Forgiveness

In Ephesians 4:30-5:2, Paul offers a call to holiness and love, emphasizing the transformation that comes from living in the Spirit and imitating Christ.  It means we must examine the way we live and interact with others. Our daily actions matter a lot.  The apostle tells us how our actions, words, and attitudes affect our relationship with God. The Holy Spirit dwells within us, guiding and empowering us to live according to God's will. If we exhibit a lifestyle contrary to God's nature—such as bitterness, anger, or malice—we turn away from God. Being mindful of the sanctity of our lives as temples of the Holy Spirit, and striving to live in a way that honours His presence within us is a good step for all of us.

That is why, we must shed all forms of bitterness, wrath, anger, and malice, replacing them with kindness, tenderheartedness, and forgiveness.  We must let go of grudges and resentment, embracing a spirit of compassion and mercy. It is through forgiveness that we experience healing and the restoration of relationships, mirroring the reconciliation we have with God. It is to embody God through love, grace, and holiness in our lives. 

A few questions for self-reflection:

  1. Are there areas of my faith where I struggle to trust God fully? 
  2. How does my understanding of eternal life influence the way I live today? Am I living in a way that reflects the peace, joy, and purpose that come from being in communion with Christ?
  3. Is there anyone I am struggling to forgive? How can I extend the same grace and compassion that God has shown me to others in my life?

A short prayer based on Psalm 34

Heavenly Father,

You are my refuge and strength. I seek You, and You hear me; You deliver me from all my fears. In Your presence, I find light and joy, and I will never be ashamed. I cry out to You, and You listen; You save me from every trouble. Your angel encamps around those who revere You, and You rescue us with Your mighty hand. O Lord, I taste and see that You are good! Blessed am I to take refuge in You. Teach me to fear You, for in You, I lack nothing. And make me always a person worthy of your love. We make this prayer in Jesus's Holy Name,  Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ  

August 08, 2024


Anonymous said...

Thanks Fr. Olvyn for the beautiful Sunday Reflections. Very much enriching. Appreciate your great zeal to spread the good news.

Fr Vincent D Souza
Sampige Church

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Olvin Veigas SJ,

Thank you for your life-giving and powerful reflections. I am deeply inspired by your words, which help renew my life. My friends and I eagerly await your reflections for our spiritual nourishment.

Some heart-touching phrases from your reflections:
- Jesus challenges us to trust in Him.
- Jesus promises that those who partake in the bread of life will live forever.
- We are invited to cooperate with His grace.
- We must examine the way we live and interact with others.
- The Holy Spirit dwells within us.

May God bless you abundantly with good health, Father. 🙏🌹

Anonymous said...

Dear Olvin,
Thanks for your inspiring reflection which helped me to pray better.
Good day

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Olvin your Sunday reflections are a profound source of spiritual nourishment, offering not just insights but a gentle yet powerful call to introspection. Your ability to connect the timeless wisdom of scripture with the complexities of our modern lives creates a tapestry of faith that inspires and challenges us to grow. Each reflection feels like a personal conversation, guiding us toward greater compassion, understanding, and a renewed sense of purpose in our journey of faith.
With warm regards

Anonymous said...

Thank you Fr for the scripture reflection every Sunday and the prayer based on the Psalm/ the questions. All that helps me look deeper into myself and betters my understanding.