The Resurrection of the Lord - Easter Sunday: April 09, 2023
Readings: Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43; Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-9
"Christ is Risen, indeed, Alleluia!" Today, we celebrate our Lord's resurrection from death. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a central tenet of the Christian faith, and it refers to the foundational Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead after his crucifixion. On the third day after his death, some of Jesus' female disciples went to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away, and the tomb was empty. According to the Gospels, Jesus appeared to his disciples in various forms over a period of 40 days, and he eventually ascended into heaven. In its historical context, the resurrection of Jesus represents the ultimate victory of life over death, good over evil, and light over darkness. It is a message of God's power and love, which was demonstrated through the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ.
1. Resurrection - a victory over the power of death
The resurrection of Jesus is a sign of his divinity and power over death. It is viewed as proof of his claims to be the Son of God and the Savior of the world. The resurrection is also seen as a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies about the coming of the Messiah. The resurrection of Jesus has been a subject of debate and scrutiny for centuries, with skeptics questioning the reliability of biblical accounts and offering alternative explanations for the events surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection. However, for us Christians, the resurrection remains a central and essential aspect of our faith.