

Friday, October 1, 2021

Cherishing the Companionship of the Lord

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time: October 03, 2021

ReadingsGenesis 2:18–24Psalm 128:1–6Hebrews 2:9–11Mark 10:2–16

We live in a web of social relationships. What the life of a person is if he or she does not have any relationship with others? Human life without contact with others is impossible on earth. So long as we are born out of the love of our parents, we cannot run away from the relationships. The feasts of St Vincent de Paul, Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, St Jerome and St Therese of the Child Jesus whose feasts we celebrated this week tell us that each one of them cherished a loving relationship with God. The constant presence and companionship they experienced is a sign for us that God continues to love us. This is what the liturgical readings of today are trying to tell us. 

1. Companionship of the other is the companionship of the Lord

The early chapters of the book of Genesis are full of God's mercy and compassion. The creation narratives of the book of Genesis are filled with the warmth and affection of God. God sees the life Adam, now a single person boring and uninteresting and puts him into the company of a woman, Eve in order to enrich each other's life. Understanding this fact itself is a mystical experience. Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18). God knows the needs of his people, of his creation. In order to make that creation happy and joyful, God does not leave humanity all alone instead God accompanies it. The companionship of God is open and all-embracing. God saw the need of Adam. In the company of Eve Adam felt at home. In other words, God's very creative act in itself says that God wanted to share His companionship with humanity in a very unique way.

The most astonishing factor in our spiritual life is that more than we want God, He wants us first. If we begin to realize the entire universe with all its grandeur and fecundity and the way it functions is itself a proof that God continually wants to be nearer to us. Even though we may go through various kinds of sufferings, anxieties and other kinds of boredom and distress, but they disturb us only in the short term. We do not carry with us our achievements and investments or what we experience or feel when we leave this world. Therefore, growing in a sense of gratefulness is indeed a step that must draw us closer to God and the reality of what He is.

2. Divine presence in the midst of uncertainties of the world

The opponents of Jesus ask a bit too many tricky questions in order to trap him. But Jesus knows his way out. In fact, he takes this opportunity to interpret the law of Moses better. Jesus does not lose the chance to bring good out of such evil thoughts of the Pharisees. Jesus reinterprets what was written in the law of the ancestors and gives a fresh meaning to the very idea of relationship, companionship, etc. Jesus builds up this discourse with a beautiful conclusion where we can see for ourselves where we stand before God. 

Jesus points towards the children who are indeed closer to God than the adults. The presence of children is a sign of God's Kingdom: "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it" (Mark 10:14-15). Before God, we are called to develop a sense of reverence and awe, gratefulness and humility. The innocence of children must be ours in order to see the divine presence of God in our relationships and living. Who are those children in our context? They are those who are vulnerable, marginalized, those who are normally overlooked and unheard. Just like little children they to need to be heard and welcomed, that they are listened to and supported. 

3. Covenantal love of our God is a pointer towards the continuation of the human race

Companionship and friendship are built upon trust and mutual understanding. God's creative act belongs to this pristine sense of such relationship. God has made a covenant with us, a covenant of love and friendship. And Jesus is here to fulfill the law of love, to reveal its true meaning and purpose, and to give people the grace to keep God’s commands. What matters most here is that every mutual relationship must be a life-giving sign. Through a process when a man and woman share a deep love towards each other, then they indeed fulfil the covenantal love of our God which becomes visible through the blessing of family, —making it fruitful, multiplying it until it filled the earth.

Probably, that must be the reason why Jesus is blessing the children. For children are the blessings the  God the Father bestows upon couples who walk in His ways, as today's Psalm sings (Psalm 128:1–6). We are also challenged today to live as the children of the Kingdom, growing up ever more faithful in our love and devotion to the ways of Christ. Jesus is looking not a legalistic mindset to the innocence of little children. Being innocent means becoming available to the graces that God wants to bestow upon us at any time and anywhere. St Therese of Child Jesus is an inspiration as she lived God’s love so amazingly. Her spirituality of little way, living out God’s call in everyday life of pain and suffering, joy and peace, practising love for God in everyday, mundane, seemingly insignificant parts of our lives is itself truly cherishing the companionship of the Lord. Perhaps we can try out this process attentively on this Sunday. 

Questions for reflections
1. What do you consider most important in your life?
2. How does the reaction of the disciples towards children make you feel?
3. The response of Jesus, ‘Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.’ Do you feel like you must become like a child sometimes?


Look upon us, O Lord, and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams of your brightness. Fill us with holy love, and open to us the treasures of your wisdom. All our desire is known unto You, therefore perfect what you have begun, and what your Spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer. We seek your face, turn your face unto us and show us your glory. Then shall our longing be satisfied, and our peace shall be perfect. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
October 01, 2021


Joilin said...

What an awesome, spirit filled, inspiring and life transforming reflections! You are so inspiring in your writings. Beautiful wordings that inspires many who reads... I implore God's choicest blessings in abundance on you and your congregation. Your reflections strengthens our spiritual growth.

Priya said...

Heartwarming and thought provoking reflections! I keep reading this meaningful reflections several times as it keeps energizing, inspiring and igniting the candal of grace and peace on the darkest hour of my life... keep growing...

Anonymous said...

So very inspiring reflections dear Fr. Olvin.
Just a few days back on the anniversary of our Vestition, while exchanging greetings with my companions, we all echoed our gratitude to the Lord who has been faithful to us and how we experience the strengthening power of prayer for one another. And today meditatively reading your reflections seems coincidence where you brought to us how Little Therese lived out God's call in everyday life of pain and suffering just because she treasured the Companionship of the Lord. I feel so blessed to receive this message. May God redouble His blessings upon you and praying that most of all He grant you good health.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Father for this nice homily. It seems to emphasize on the companionship with God and with others in which require the trust and mutual understanding.
I also like the way you demonstrate the lifestyle of Therese of Child Jesus who inspires me how to love God in each event of life and in everyday in the simple and creative way. Nanri. And God bless

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Father, for your deep insights. It reminds me about the loving gaze of God towards me but I might be too busy with worldly stuff to recognize it sometimes
I also need a leap of faith which requires to be sturdy and steady in God in today's context and according to my specific call as well. Like the young man, my wish is not strong enough to push me put them into practice. Lord, you have searched me and know me. Thanks again for sharing your materials to reflect. May God bless you