28th Sunday in Ordinary Time: October 10, 2021
Readings: Wisdom 7:7–11; Psalm 90:12–17; Hebrews 4:12–13; Mark 10:17–30
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The rich young man and Jesus To listen to my video reflections, please click here |
As rational human beings, we look for something that is beyond us. Our capacity to imagine helps us to transcend physical and spatial constraints. That is why we can think about heaven, eternity, hell and such other things. Even though none of the human beings had the possibility to see these things and record their memories as real, yet we believe because of our reasoning as well as spiritual yearning towards God.
1. Every call presupposes challenges
The liturgical readings of this Sunday encourage us to look at the heavenly realities in a little closer way. The question of a young man to Jesus "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Mk 10:17) is a result of the very notion that there is something beyond the earthly life. Interestingly, everyone recognizes this fact including the rich young man that only a good man or woman will enter eternity and will see God face to face.
By following Mosaic Law one could inherit eternal life was the answer of Jesus to that young man. However, he is not satisfied with what he has been doing since his youth. The young man replied and said to Jesus, '"Teacher, all of these I have observed from my youth." Jesus, looking at him, loved him and said to him, "You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me"' (Mk 10:20-22).
Somehow the fascination of Jesus towards this young man for his thoroughness in following the Law is elegantly captivated. However, Jesus gives him a responsibility to do more and be part of the lives of people who need his assistance. Jesus glances at him with a sight of love because only true love can compel a person to give good but also a piece of challenging advice. And Jesus simply does that. Even though the scriptures tell us that by hearing Jesus, the young man's "face fell" and returned home sad. For he was not ready to part with his wealth. When going becomes tough, you have to be tough. Unfortunately, the rich young man was not ready to venture into that tough journey. In fact, he believed in himself, his wealth, his possessions and his reasoning.
2. Attaining the spirit of God
Just like that rich young man, we all want to know eternity and reach that eternity. Therefore, there is a longing deep within us to live that virtuous life. However, the question is how to live that life so that we might live forever in the world to come. Perhaps here we can find solace in the wisdom of Solomon. To achieve that end or to imbibe the Spirit of Wisdom "we need to pray," "we need to plead" and "we need to prefer" (Wisdom 7:7-8). That is exactly what happened to King Solomon. He was given prudence and the spirit of wisdom. And with this, he received the throne, gold, silver, and countless riches.
When we think about what is possible in our lives, perhaps we must raise our eyes towards the heavens. When we look down upon the earthly reality which values riches, honour, power, we tend to end up receiving nothing including peace, joy and satisfaction. Because, the world gives only what is temporary, transient, incomplete, and unsatisfactory. The ways of the world have shortcomings, which leave us only in thinking about ourselves than of the world above. Unless and until one commits oneself totally to the reality of God and the divine wisdom we are lost in this world. All the more life is precarious, and ultimately, we rest in the hands of God. Without God’s help, we can do nothing.
3. Jesus is the Word of God
In this context, the words of Jesus are very pertinent to us. Jesus looked at the disciples and said "For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God" (Mark 10:27). That is the reason since the beginning of human history, God has been given His due place in every spirituality and religion. There might be times where the vision of God is blurred and unclear yet if we trust in Him, He shows the way. Therefore following the precepts and commandments is essential to walk the path of salvation but it can only get us so far.
For us, Christians, Jesus is the precept and commandment. He is the salvation and the wisdom of God. He is the Person of the Blessed Trinity as well as eternity. In Jesus, we encounter Wisdom, the Word of God. He is the self-communication of God in its entirety. That is the reason the gaze of Jesus at the young man was of love, a loving gaze, a sight that is inviting the person to give up everything including one's possession in order to follow him completely. Before Jesus, we cannot conceal or cover-up. His gaze is pristine and clear. In the letter to the Hebrews, we read: "Indeed the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12). These are very powerful words. In fact, we are called to render an account of our lives.
To be attuned to the person of Christ we require a leap of faith. It must be a faith that is visible, clear and strong. Even in times of persecution and misunderstanding, we have to be sturdy and steady in our faith in the Lord. That has been the experience of so many young and old who gave up their lives to God in order to save the truth. We cannot cling to the false sense of security that wealth can create. Therefore we must encounter Jesus every day in our prayer, our meditation, and our silence. We pray for this intention.
Questions for reflections1. What, then, are the “many possessions” that keep us from giving ourselves totally to God?Prayer:
2. What are we clinging to—material things, comfort zones, relationships?
3. What will it take for us to live fully for Christ’s sake and the sake of the Gospel?
4. When we read scriptures, we bring our study, discernment and lived experience. What does your current relationship with scripture look like?
5. Are we ready to commit ourselves totally to Jesus?6. Where do I seek security? In my own possessions or in God alone?
- Olvin Veigas, SJ
How wonderful and heartwarming your reflections dear Olvin? So wise and indepth your words are! Very nice and beautiful pics and your voice is very mesmerizing and Godly. It's simply superb blog where I find the precious pearls of wisdom that keeps boosting me ever to grow higher and higher...
Dear Olvin,
I'm extremely happy to hear from you the inspiring words of wisdom that keeps healing the lives of many people who reads through your blog. Your words are so magical and I could feel the real presence of the Almighty in all your reflections. So wise and wonderdul your messages are! It brings meaning to my life and I get to heart the message here, the secret of our happiness lies in joyful giving and loving others unconditionally. It's really surprising know that your reflections never ceases to amaze me. How fascinating the picture and your voice in your audio!
Very powerful and insightful reflection Fr. Olvin.
Thanks for bringing home the message that before Jesus our Master we cannot conceal anything.
I'm also very much inspired from this message that in order to live life in eternity, one needs to keep going even if it's tough.
Keep inspiring the people of God. Prayers assured
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