

Friday, April 26, 2024

Being Rooted in the Abiding Love of Christ

  05th Sunday of Easter: 28 April 2024

Readings: Acts 9:26–31Psalm 22:26–28, 30–321 John 3:18–24John 15:1–8

As the Easter season progresses, there's a jubilant celebration of Christ's resurrection and the anticipation of Pentecost. As we reflect on the readings and teachings of the Fifth Sunday of Easter, we are called to reevaluate our priorities and attitudes, striving to embody the love and grace of Christ in our interactions with others. The readings on the Fifth Sunday of Easter insist that our faith is not meant to be passive but rather active and engaged, expressed through acts of kindness, reconciliation, and service to those in need. Moreover, they invite us to deepen our relationship with God, renew our commitment to love one another, and embrace the abundant life that Christ offers to all who abide in Him.

1. Easter Narratives: Rooted firmly in the faith of Jesus Christ
In John 15:1–8, we see the metaphor of the vine and the branches, drawn from Jesus' teachings. A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things by stating that one thing is another. This imagery of vine and branches stresses the importance of abiding in Christ, remaining connected to Him as branches are to a vine. It speaks to the profound intimacy of our relationship with God and reminds us of our dependence on Him for sustenance and spiritual nourishment. Just as branches draw their life-giving sap from the vine, so too do we draw our strength and purpose from our connection to Christ.

The above idea enables us to examine the depth of our relationship with God and consider how closely we are abiding in Him. Are we actively seeking His presence and guidance in our lives, or are we allowing distractions and worldly concerns to pull us away? The Gospel passage challenges us to recommit ourselves to a life of faithfulness and discipleship, rooted firmly in Christ. In Christ, we draw our strength, purpose, and sustenance to live a Christian life.

2. Easter Narratives: Redefines the concept of love
Chrisitan religion is a religion of love. The Easter narratives speak in abundance of the concept of love as a defining characteristic of discipleship. Jesus commands his followers to love one another as He has loved them, a love characterized by selflessness, compassion, acts of love, service, obedience and sacrifice. In a world marked by division and discord, this call to love stands as a powerful testament to the life-changing power of Christ's message.

Jesus says "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." This call to abide in Christ is a call to intimacy, to dwell continually in His presence, and to cultivate a deep and abiding relationship with Him. It's an invitation to surrender our own efforts and agendas, trusting in His provision and guidance. Moreover, it challenges us to prioritize intimacy with Jesus, to allow His life to flow through us, and to live as branches deeply rooted in the true vine. In doing so, we experience the abundant life that Christ promises to all who abide in Him.

3. Easter Narratives: Transformed community life
As we continue to read Acts 9:26–31, the power of the resurrected Jesus becomes very apparent among the nascent Christian Communities. Even the enemies of Christ become the powerful instruments of the proclamation of Christ as Lord. St Paul is a powerful example. He brings a new life and vigour. We see the newfound faith changes the landscape of the whole Judeo-Roman world. It's a reminder indeed of God's ability to bring swift changes even beyond personal lives. 

When the community grows, there is giving and receiving, supporting and defending. The early church leaders like St Barnabas becomes a bridge builder among the believers. We see a supportive and discerning community in nurturing and affirming the faith of individuals. There is also grace and forgiveness for those who seek reconciliation. The personal testimony of people invigorates the lives of faithful to be part of the family of Christ. There is amazement and surprise. When the community strives hard to glorify God through works and words, God truly dwells. 

Questions for self-reflection
  1. What practices or habits do I have in place to nurture my relationship with Christ and remain connected to Him as the true vine?
  2. Are there areas of spiritual detachment or neglect in my life where I need to refocus my attention and recommit to abiding in Christ?
  3. In what ways can I deepen my understanding and experience of abiding in Christ, allowing His life to flow through me more fully and abundantly?
Prayer based on Psalm 22

Heavenly Father,

We lift our hearts to You in gratitude and praise, for You are the source of all blessings and the giver of life. You satisfy our deepest longings and sustain us with Your boundless grace. You reign over all creation with wisdom and love, and Your purposes prevail throughout the ages. We give thanks for Your faithfulness and righteousness. Your steadfast love endures forever, and Your mercy knows no bounds. 

Help us to trust in Your unfailing providence and to surrender our lives to Your divine will.  Grant us the courage to proclaim Your name boldly and to serve You faithfully, knowing that You are our refuge and strength. As we go forth in Your name, may we be instruments of Your peace and vessels of Your grace, spreading Your light in a world in need of Your love. In Your holy name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
April 26, 2024

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Olvin Veigas SJ,

Thank you immensely for your powerful, enlightening, inspiring, and enriching reflections on the word of God. Your insights have brought about profound changes in my life. Some points that resonated strongly with me include:

- The importance of being rooted in the abiding love of Christ, prompting me to recommit myself fully to Him.
- Understanding that Christianity is founded on love, as Jesus commands us to love one another as He loved us. This love encompasses compassion, service, selflessness, and sacrifice.

May God bless you abundantly with good health of mind and body, Father. 🌹👏