

Friday, April 5, 2024

Seeking and Finding the Risen Lord and being Visioned and Missioned

Second Sunday of Easter / Sunday of Divine Mercy: April 07, 2024

Readings: Acts 4:32–35Psalms 118:2–413–1522–241 John 5:1–6John 20:19–31

The steam of election heat is rising as the temperatures here in Karnataka. It is paradoxical to see that creativity and human ingenuity are always at the rescue when something old has to be said in a new form. When national elections become the main news in our country, each political party is trying its best to put forward the assurances and promises to the public. Unfortunately, none of us demand any kind of balance sheet or practicability of the election promises from these political parties including our institutions of education or service and even by those best brains of our country. In fact, even our Church leaders are sterile to the political process of our country. Hardly, do we see any collective efforts from our Christian community leaders to encourage our brothers and sisters to engage and participate in the electoral process of our country actively as we as minorities live in turbulent times. The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ created not only uproar in the religious life of Jews but also political turmoil in the entire Roman empire. And later, we see, in 312 AD, the entire Roman Empire accepted Christianity as the state religion. 

1. Resurrection narrative: Seeing is believing

The resurrection of Jesus stands as an extraordinary event in the annals of human history, reverberating like a thunderclap throughout the Judeo-Roman world of his time. In an era where religion and politics were deeply intertwined, Jesus, initially a religious reformer, found himself enmeshed in the turbulent currents of political intrigue, earning him the title of King. This confluence is evident in the visit of the magi at his birth, the heinous massacre of innocent children by King Herod, the interrogation of Jesus by Pilate, and the provocative inscription "Jesus, the King of Jews." These events cast a shadow of suspicion over Jesus, fueling fears of political ambition. Despite the undeniable political undercurrents, Jesus' core mission remained centered on ushering people towards a divine connection, echoing the prophetic words of Isaiah 61:1-2 (Luke 4:16-21). When confronted with questions about taxes, Jesus encapsulated his stance with the famous words, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Mark 12:27), emphasizing the dual responsibilities of earthly governance and spiritual allegiance.

The resurrection of Jesus was a confusing factor even to his disciples. Many could not believe including his disciples that such a thing was possible. Therefore we see a lot of confusion among both men and women disciples. St John, the beloved disciple of Jesus recounts the very fascinating moment of Jesus' entry into the closed room of disciples first in the absence of St Thomas and later in his presence. These short incidents even though follow in quick succession, Thomas is completely overwhelmed by seeing the Risen Jesus and Jesus challenges Thomas to satisfy his curiosity of putting the hand into his wounded chest and fingers into the nailed palms. The unbelievable experience of Thomas makes him call the Risen Lord "My Lord and my God!" God becomes very real to Thomas, moreover brings him to India to preach the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. The waves of Peace move beyond human boundaries

The resurrected Jesus brings with him the gift of peace. Joy and peace become the hallmark of Jesus's post-resurrection greetings. Wherever he goes peace follows him. It means that when you preach Christ, peace and joy must flow. Peace must come into the person, his or her family first and to the rest next. Peace is a gift of God. Meditating on Jesus must help a person to find peace and tranquillity. It is not political or peace from conflict. It is peace of God where a person deeply feels that he or she is loved by God and so too others are in His loving embrace. It means a person can give others the fragrance of Christ's peace. You don't need sleeping pills or anti-depressant pills to get that peace. 

As the Gospel writer St John puts it so beautifully about telling the story of Jesus: "These are written that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name" (John 20:31). The narrative about Jesus is not for oneself to brood and sleep over it instead to believe and have life. The resurrection narratives of our Lord are to give us life and life to the full. They are to pull us into the realm of God where we become one with Christ. That is the reason, why the disciples of our Lord went on from one territory to another, from one country to another finding new disciples for Jesus. 

3. Resurrection brings Vibrancy and Warmth to the fellowship 

The Acts of the Apostles are the vibrant accounts of the early Christian community. When you read the early chapters of the Acts, you cannot remain silent but feel the warmth and fellowship of the early Christian community. This is the direct effect of the resurrection of Jesus. St John in his epistle writes "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten by God" and further says "for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world" (1 John 5:1,4). These emphatic words demonstrate the power of God and through the resurrection of Jesus, it flows to the disciples tremendously. There is no control whatsoever. By believing Jesus one becomes the son or daughter of God, moreover, they have the power to conquer the world. This is not in the sense of like a king or ruling party wins over the favour of the people but the person is bestowed with the grace to stand above the whims and fancies of the world. In other words, one's needs and desires can be aligned with God's will for oneself. 

During the Easter Season, it is essential to savour the sweetness of Christ's resurrection and all the fruits that it brings, peace, joy, fellowship, care and concern. It also brings a sense of community fellowship as it was experienced by the early Christian community. Everyone is welcome and embraced into the warmth and love of Christ. God becomes the center of one's life and what you embrace is only the positive impulses and vibrations of our Lord. Hence, the mission of our Lord to preach does not stop him or her but becomes a joy to do so. All the more, God gives the energy and power to do it with resilience and complete self-surrender. May we become the authentic Easter people.

Questions for self-reflection

  1. How do I respond to moments of fear or uncertainty in my life? Do I rely on my own strength or do I seek comfort and guidance from God?
  2. In what ways do I actively seek out experiences or encounters that deepen my understanding of spirituality or my relationship with God?
  3. Do I recognize the importance of community and fellowship in my spiritual journey? How do I engage with others who share similar beliefs or experiences?

Prayer based on Psalm 118

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts full of gratitude, acknowledging that Your steadfast love endures forever. In the midst of life's challenges and triumphs, we find refuge in Your unwavering faithfulness. You are our strength and our song, our salvation in times of trouble. With confidence, we proclaim Your goodness and mercy, for You have answered our cries and lifted us from despair.

Though we may face adversity, we trust in Your mighty hand to uphold us. Your right hand delivers us from harm, and Your presence fills us with courage. We rejoice in the victory You have secured for us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. He is the cornerstone upon which our faith stands firm, and in Him, we find hope and salvation. May Your light shine upon us, guiding our steps as we walk in Your ways. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

- Olvin Veigas, SJ
April 05, 2024


Anonymous said...

Thank you fr.Olvin for your beautiful reflections. I love the points to meditate and help me to have clarity in my prayer.

Anonymous said...

Yes, dear father, you have given us appropriate questions to reflect in order to take right action in our lives & make our lives the reflection of our Lord & master. Thank you so much for being an agent of change in my life

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr. Olvin Veigas SJ,

Thank you sincerely for the insightful reflection on the word of God. It has not only resonated with me but also prompted me to reconsider my old patterns of living.

Several points you made deeply touched me, and I would like to highlight a few:The challenge Jesus presented to Thomas to address his curiosity.

The profound experience of God's reality that Thomas encountered.The recognition that peace is a divine gift.The importance of making God the center of one's life.

Your reflections have provided me with much to contemplate and incorporate into my own spiritual journey.May God bless you father👏🌹

Anonymous said...

Thankyou very much father for the meaningful reflection for Sunday

Anonymous said...

Fr. Olvin your words are a source of inspiration and spiritual nourishment, guiding us to deepen our understanding of the Easter message and its relevance in our lives.I appreciate father dear your insightful reflections, which encourage us to reflect on the transformative power of Christ's resurrection and its implications for our faith journey.