Autoimmune diseases are scary and frustrating. When a person suffers from a such an illness, well wishers and others begin to ask, how did you get this disease? Or more emphatically they would put this another philosophical/spiritual question, why did you get this disease? The stress is on “you”! Holy moley, every human being comes into the world with some sort of sickness or bad health either in its infancy or adult life! Some children are born with sicknesses which might be fatal once they come in touch with this world. So, why then people continue to ask these questions in spite of knowing the title of the disease?
I have become weary hearing the above questions repeatedly and not less answering them as a wise man or pundit! Recently, I have begun to answer the inquirers of my health saying either I’m perfectly well or simply say it’s a private issue. Thus trying to stop the conversation over this issue temporarily. In the early stages of my disease, I began to tell the inquirers that I’m getting better. However, when my own research on Ulcerative Colitis showed and my own fight with the disease continued uninterruptedly there was no end and that there was no medication to heal the disease at sight. I began to feel the frustrations within. Nevertheless, I have to find a suitable answer to people where I can quickly answer their inhibitions and prejudices about the disease itself.
Here are a few of the conclusions I have arrived at through my research on how the Ulcerative Colitis comes:
- UC is a autoimmune disease. Thus, the disease can affect anyone who has low immune system in one’s body.
- Pancreas produces pancreatic enzymes for digestion converting the food which is in the intestine we eat into fuel for the body's cells. However, when there is no enough food to digest, the same enzymes begin to eat up the lining of the intestine.
- UC by its very name suggests that it is a disease of the colon or larger intestine, wherein ulcers emerge. Thus leading to weakening of the digestive system, inflammation of the intestine, lack of control of the mussels of the bowels leading frequent expulsion of the stool with or without blood and mucous. Sometimes, it could be only expulsion of blood accumulated as a result of excessive ulceration in the colon.
- Any gastrointestinal problems arise because something is not functioning well in the digestive track. Before, one gets UC, the person might have been suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS), etc. Interestingly, haemorrhoids, fistula, etc., are the symptoms of lack of functioning of the digestive track.
- Mind-gut axis. Recent researchers have been working on understanding this UC based on a number of studies on our nervous system. Specifically the Vegus nerve seems to be playing a vital game with its connectivity between the gut and brains. When a person is stressed out, under sever pressure, his/her digestive system goes out of order.
- Weather and environment: Gloomy weather without a sun is disgusting and leaves its traits on a person's health, behaviour, thinking and acting. People who live in Nordic countries where sunshine is scarce during the winter tend to be different from people leaving in the tropical countries. When cold, damp, cloudy, rayless days continue digestive system begins to weaken unless other remedies are sought.
- Here below are a few links which throw more light on Ulcerative Colitis, it’s symptoms, causes, and cure.
Olvin Veigas
05 Oct 2018
Olvin Veigas
05 Oct 2018